37. Trentasette

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Taylor Swift - Mr. Perfectly Fine

Hello Mr. "Perfectly fine"

How's your heart after breaking mine?

Mr. "Always at the right place at the right time," baby

 "Always at the right place at the right time," baby

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'I am here to help you'

'I am here to help you'

I don't remember how many times exactly I heard it from Rowena's mouth in the past week. It's becoming nauseating now. She helped me understand things about Gian's life but she also dug the bitchy side of mine that gets irritated quickly every time I hear. 'I am here to help you'. but apart from that, I like her presence.

Rowena often stays the night in my house, with her 5'1 frame she fits perfectly on the couch. We talk or should I say that I do all the talking and she listens. My fever has gone completely now. I had googled about her, before allowing her to spend the night. She is Lorenzo's cousin and is often found at parties. Her Instagram account is filled with pictures. Even if she is a killer, I'm a sitting duck anyway.

Last night when she left, she told me that she will come just on one call. Her eyes held a deep concern for me. But I was okay. And I'm never gonna call her again. She thinks it will be deeply traumatizing for me to witness a murder. But she is also the same woman who had told me about the truth. So I don't feel bad. If anything I only regret it because I'm, keeping that big secret with me where I should be reporting it.

 I didn't have trouble sleeping so far because of the pills. But since my fever is completely gone now. I don't need to take them anymore.

I had already been awake staring at the distance when my alarm went off. Flinging my legs out of the bed lazily, I pushed to my feet to get ready for school again. It's been a week since school started and it's the first time I will be going back. If I still have the job as I hadn't notified anyone or answered Helen's calls.

After completing my morning rituals, I stood in front of the mirror. I had subliminally chosen the same brown dress I had been wearing when I first met Gian. My gaze flickered from the dress in my hand to the girl standing in front of me in the mirror.

I dropped the towel wrapped around my body and hitched the dress over my head. My eyes surrounded by dark circles appeared to be dug deeper inside my head. My hands glided to the new concealer I had bought. I was so optimistic about Gian and my future together, that he would give me more hickeys and I will be in need of a concealer to hide them every day.

When I glided the comb-over my hair, my wrist slightly twisted over the edges, startling me. My mind was used to detangle more 6 inches of hair every day.

3 days back I unpinned my hair, which was twisted into knots secured on top of my head to scratch the itchy scalp properly. My fingers got jammed in the mess, the tips of my fingers felt greasy. I had applied a lot of hairspray on them as I was getting dolled up for my surprise party. I wanted to sleep but I also wanted to be free of the tangles and the dirty greasiness on my hand. When I washed my hand and saw my reflection, I got triggered. So on a whim topped with my medicated state and already questionable state of mind, I grabbed the scissors and chopped off the tangled part. The next day Rowena noticed the derangement right away and helped me snip it to an even length.

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