4. 𝓠𝓾𝓪𝓽𝓽𝓻𝓸

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My eyelids felt heavy and my head was pounding like a motherfucker

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My eyelids felt heavy and my head was pounding like a motherfucker. I scan my surroundings I am still in the office. I had dozed off after the drinks, it's early morning on Saturday. The office was clear due to Soto's OCD issues. Shrugging off my sweaty shirt, I carry myself down the corridor, rubbing my eyes in frustration. I shouldn't have drunk all that. I am supposed to be more fucking vigilant. Lorenzo was fishing for details, poking me to get more information about Zara. Her scolding me for the curses he spoke in the kindergarten.

 I heard the thuds of a punching bag, Remo was practicing in his office. It is a big compound previously built for a strip mall. We stay underground for the place meant for storage. The owner couldn't pay his debt so we took it from him. The hackers here, as Remo calls them 'kids'. Some of them are running from authorities, some from home. They have a place to sleep here. Remo doesn't say it, but he sees himself in them. One who doesn't have the liberty to got out. So he has chosen this room with no window as his home. He has a bed, a wardrobe, computers, books on one side and on the opposite, rests his gym equipment. 

 I change into my fighting shorts, wrap the bandage around my knuckles. I crook my fingers at him for a fight. He looked amused to see me awake and ready to fight this quick. We took our positions, Remo attempted to punch my abdomen, I jumped back.

"Zara." he said gruffly, advancing towards me. It was a low blow that I ended up ducking. He was trying to mess with my head but I did not lose my momentum this time. I pounced toward him again as we both failed to hit each other. Usually, I either win, or we end up calling it quits when someone breaks the fight after we have worn ourselves out. When he did not say anything further after taking her name my anger rose. My knuckles grazed past his waist.

"And...???" I spat, clenching my fists to the point my knuckles turned white.

"And nothing." he shrugged and gave me crooked smile. Rage gripped me as I landed a punch on his ribs. Before I could lose my cool and go ballistic, a knock came on the door. 

Remo straightened up despite the pain he must be feeling. This time I gave him the triumphant look.  "Come in." I shouted.

A tall boy with a malnutrition body feebly came inside. He paled, as his eyes bugged out of his socket. His one leg was out of the door frame as if it would save him from me if I decided to run after him. His lips trembled. Soon, his whole body began to shake. But he didn't break the eye contact. Remo pushed the water bottle on my chest to give the dude some breather before he would pass out from the lack of oxygen supply as he stood there like a fucking statue. I close my eyes and sipped on the water as I heard them say.

"What is it, Max." Remo's voice had turned down a notch as if Max would shatter into pieces from one loud noise.

Max, made a startling noise, "I-I am... I was just l-leaving. I c-c-c-completed the work."

 I opened my eyes to find his eyes were already on me. Smart guy.

"You need overtime pay for that.?" I sneer. He shook his head hard and then ran after handing the flash drive to Remo. Remo jerked the door close after Max.

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