13. Tredici

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I jumped down, skipping the last five flights of stairs

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I jumped down, skipping the last five flights of stairs. My heart plummeted against my chest, I could feel it pounding loudly against my ear. Pure fear flooded my veins in trepidation. This wasn't the thrill of the unknown, the course of adrenaline running through my veins before a bust. It wouldn't be me or my crew who may be physically harmed this time. Within seconds I pictured the worse that could happen with Zara, but I convinced myself that It wouldn't be easy for the man to take Zara out of the club with Lorenzo keeping an eye on them. 

As my feet touched the ground I was knocked down with a feather when I saw Zara munching on a mozzarella stick with no care in the world. Making her the only person in the club to eat something. I didn't know we even sold those.

Taking a step back I stayed in the shadows, where she couldn't see me. I watched her devouring the Mozzarella sticks as she kept her eyes on the dance floor, categorically denying the ponytail guy's existence. I noticed one of the staff members from the school struggling to look like she was dancing. Helen. She looked different today with all that makeup. When the asshole who had spiked Zara's drink waived his hand close to her face to grab her attention, I had enough. 

Zara was frowning at him When I reached. I gave a brief look to the bouncer before snaking my hand around Zara's petite waist. She gasped, her hand reflexed to remove my hand, but she relaxed when she saw me. She batted her eyelashes at me like I meant something to her more than I fucking deserved. But this is not the time or place to express my feelings. I lean my cheek on top of her head and glared at the ponytail guy, he recognized me right away.

"Mr A-A..." He was beginning to say as I stumbled on his feet.

"Leave." I groaned, keeping my tone low but expression murderous. He broke into a run immediately. Zara tried to move in my hold. I soften my expression before allowing her to.

Placing her palm softly over my hand where I had grabbed her hip, she whispered near my ear "Hey, Gian.!"

"Wanna dance." I ask turning her around to face me.

Her eyes moved to the dance floor pondering her answer then she smiled apologetically "Not in this song, Gian." Again with the honesty.

True, I wouldn't wanna dance in a beat with no lyrics or any meaning behind them. Or put her on a show like she is my flavor of the night, I will be fucking against the hood of my car.

"Then somewhere else.?" I suggest. She entertained the idea, before her scruples got the best of her. I don't know how much she drank, I can only have a hunch after reading the changes in her body language.

"I came with Helen. I can't leave her here." She said softly gnawing her lips covered in mauve-colored lipstick. Her eyes had a tenderness that the fucking bitch didn't deserve. Lorenzo was now grinding with her. I shake my head in disbelief. Matteo must have passed out seeing the strippers undress completely. I circle around and took a barstool beside Zara. We faced each other as our knees touched. She looked at me with barely contained excitement to say something.

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