Chapter 36: El Final

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Looking back at the events that had occurred, it all still felt unreal. The secrets that surrounded my life continued to keep me awake at night. Though, it was traumatizing, I realized I had to face the past in order to truly know who I was.

I was Aubrey Van Alen.

It has been four years since I travelled back to Black Onyx, but life had no intention on waiting – it kept moving forward. Luckily, the few I had met were still around and I could not be more grateful.

Helen and I became best friends and found an apartment together in California. Noel had a lot of work assignments abroad, so it did not make sense for Helen to live alone while he was gone. A year ago, I convinced Helen to take a few business courses and we were able to change her identity with the help of Carrington. Helen had always dreamt of becoming an interior designer and her career was gradually falling into place.

Julian. The thought of him still made me warm considering how we had ended everything off at Black Onyx. But, once again, the universe had its own plans and we found ourselves going to the same college. Even though Julian and I were not meant to be together romantically, we couldn't help the friendship that always lingered. The foundation was still there and we grew closer over the four years at UCLA. Julian and I would set each other up on dates, he would make sure I got home safe after a party, and I would cheer him on during his football games. Truth be told, I cherished our friendship more than I would ever like to admit.

"Aubrey!" My train of thought came to a halt as Helen stood near the doorway in a white and yellow summer dress. "Are you still not ready? Stop day dreaming, will you?"

I smiled at her. "I'm just about to head into the shower."

Helen sighed, pinning her curls to one side. "The ceremony is starting in one hour."

I gathered myself up from the bench near the window and hurried into the bathroom. When I was finally alone, I analyzed myself in the mirror. My eyes always landed on the scar Ryder's bullet had left on my arm. It used to frighten me, but overtime, I learned to embrace it.

Helen banged on the door, but the noise didn't startle me - nothing every did anymore. "I don't hear the water running, hurry up! You realize you can't be late once you're a Criminal Lawyer, right?"

I smiled to myself, excited about my future. "Is Julian even ready?" I shouted as I undressed.

"When is Julian ever ready? He's probably still drunk from the pre-graduation party last night. Let me go check up on him."

I heard the door shut behind Helen as she left the apartment.


My hair was a lot longer now, the ends a golden brown from the summer sun. During this season, my eyes were more green than brown, which Julian loved since it almost resembled his. I clutched onto Gran's picture, wishing she was here to witness my graduation. She always wanted me to have a normal life and I never knew what the meant until I was older. She did not want me to follow the footsteps of my family.

I still didn't know where Kim and Nick had gone. Carrington had told us they left to Europe, but I didn't know to what extent that was true.

"Hi Van Alen," I heard Julian's voice from behind me. I spun around as he stood in his graduation gown. "Can you believe we are graduating today?"

He pointed at his gown and gave me a look of disbelief. I laughed and he gathered me in his arms and twirled me around, my feet dangling in the air. "We made it, Jules!" I shouted.

Julian gently put me back down. "It feels like it was just yesterday we got accepted into the UCLA."

"Tell me about it. I already feel so old and we're only twenty-two," I mumbled and he flicked my hair, squinting his eyes.

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