Chapter 23: I'm Not Always Funny

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10 minutes went by. 20 minutes went by. 45 minutes went by.

I sat on Julian's porch, my eyes fixed on the vacant streets. Feet brushed by me as people headed back to their cars, the designated drivers rolling their eyes occasionally while shoving their friends into the backseat.

"There you are. I was looking for you," I heard Heather say from behind me, the guilt evident in her drunken voice.

I let out a deep breath, reminding myself that I wouldn't fight with her. "We should get going," I said, standing up and dusting myself. I headed towards the car as Heather followed behind.

"Wait, Aubrey, are you mad at me?" she called out, which I chose to ignore. She continued to call my name, pulling each nerve that I tried so hard to keep in place.

Heather was the least of my worries tonight.

"For God's Sake, Aubrey!" she shouted, spinning me around. "What is your problem?"

I stared into her blue eyes in defeat.

My problem? Well, Heather, my problem is that I had a chance to see the boy I am madly in love with tonight, but then missed the opportunity since fate decided today was not the day. Then, it hit me that even if I did see him tonight, it wasn't as thought he would wrap his arms around me and whisper in my hair that he missed me. He wouldn't spare my feelings and would likely say: who the hell are you?

"Aubrey," Heather said again.

I pursed my lips together and used my classic line. "I'm just tired, that's all."

Heather scoffed, crossing her arms over her chest. "Who are you trying to fool? Are you upset I left you?"

I rolled my eyes. "Well, since you brought it up, it wasn't the most ideal situation. I didn't even want to come to this party. So thank you, Heather, for leaving me stranded for hours."

Perhaps confronting Heather would allow my mind to shift its focus from Aiden to my unreliable best friend.

Heather seemed taken aback. "You can be so cruel, you know that?"

This time, I scoffed, leaning against the car door. "Yes, because a cruel person would wait for her friend who ditched her at a party to make sure she gets home safe."

Yes, I wanted to pick a fight. I was angry and hurt and if Heather wanted a brawl, I was more than willing to give it to her.

"Aubrey, I didn't ditch--"

I cut her off. "Then where were you for the past two hours? I stopped counting after the first sixty minutes, so it could have been longer. Heather, you didn't have to force me to come if you were going to leave me here. I would have been happy at home. So, yes, I am not your biggest fan right now. Let's just go."

I opened the door and Heather walked around and sat in the passenger seat. We didn't speak the entire ride, but if I am being frank, I wasn't up for a conversation.

"Aubrey, I don't feel so good. Can you take me inside the house?" Heather suddenly asked, slouching in the seat.

Heather lived in the same neighborhood as the Calvis family and I was desperate to leave the area. I looked around the vacant streets cautiously before getting out of the car. I helped her to the front door as she hung off of me.

"I'm sorry, A," she muttered and I held on tighter.

"It's okay, Heather. I'm sorry too. Go straight upstairs and text me in the morning," I said as she stumbled inside.

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