Chapter 15: Screw Closure

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Yesterday's training was more theoretical, which I was completely fine with. The baseball cap man, whose name was Norman, explained the different parts of a gun, where to aim, and how to hold it. Though, this was a review for most, it was all new for me.

He had scheduled training today as well, but this time, we had to shoot. 

"Pass," I said as Helen dangled the gun in front of me. "I am more of a visual learner."

Helen blew her bangs out of her face. "Aubrey, just aim at the dummy. It's okay if you miss, just take the gun and try."

I could tell Helen was getting frustrated with my reluctance to participate in Black Onyx related activities. Her eyebrows were furrowed and her jaw was clenched tight. I could see myself gradually becoming "immune" to this lifestyle and it was starting to leave a bitter taste in my mouth. 

"Helen!" I heard Bridgett call out from afar. I glanced over as she swung from Aiden's neck, smiling ear to ear. "I aimed at the center on my first try!"

Helen laughed, clapping slowly. "Well done, sister, it's about time." 

Bridgett hugged Aiden tighter and he did not seem phased by her affection. He whispered in her ear, which made her laugh. He's like this with everyone, I reminded myself. You're not special.

I internally rolled my eyes.

"Now you," Helen snapped, pointing her finger at me. "Give me one good reason why you don't want to shoot."

I fumbled with my words. "Helen, I – I can't aim? I suck at this? Not my strongest skill?"

"Not good enough," she said, but I could see the corner of her mouth quirk up into a slight smile. She turned back to face Bridgett. "Sister, how long did it take Aiden to teach you how to aim at the target?"

Bridgett thought about it. "I don't know, not too long. I got it on my first try."

Helen suddenly whistled at Aiden, who had his arms stretched in front while holding the gun. Even with Helen's loud whistle, he was able to stay focused and aim at the center of the dummy that hung about ten meters from him. 

Poor dummy, I thought pathetically. I didn't understand why I empathized with it.

"What's up, Helen?" he asked casually, glancing over at her. 

"Our friend here can't seem to shoot and isn't cooperating," Helen started, rolling her eyes at me. "Help her out?"

My jaw slightly dropped. "No, I'm fine."

Aiden grinned, shaking his head. He jogged over to me, holding out his hand. "Come on," he said.

"Aiden, I'd rather observe. I am honestly good."

"Aubrey." His voice was so soothing, drawing me in. He looked down at me, his eyes genuine, I couldn't pull my gaze away. "Let me help you. Trust me, you won't miss."

We stared at each other for a moment. "Okay," I found myself saying and he smiled again, both dimples showing this time. 

"Okay?" he questioned. "Not rebuttal?"

"No rebuttal. Plus, I've heard people saying how you're the best. And I honestly don't believe that you are. So, I guess you can prove it."

Aiden was taken aback. "Hold on," he laughed. "I'm proving myself to you?"

"That's right." I smiled, grabbing Helen's gun.

"Oh, how the tables have turned," Helen said under her breath. 

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