Chapter 3: Should Have Passed On Coffee

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"Aubrey, I am so sorry for your loss."

My back became a place for everyone to rest their hand as they walked by to pay their respects.

"Thank you for coming." My voice was monotone, lifeless, that I almost felt sorry for myself.

Gran was cherished by many. A lot familiar and unfamiliar faces gave me their deepest condolences. I did not want to stand near the casket. But, from where I stood, I could see her grey hair and the tip of her nose.

"Aubrey?" Ms. Davis, one of Gran's closest friends, pulled me into a hug. "I am so sorry, dear."

I reluctantly hugged her back. "Thank you, Ms. Davis."

She watched me, her eyes full of concern. "Aubrey, I want you to know that you are not alone and you will be taken care of."

I had a feeling Ms. Davis came to see me with intent. She worked at the foster care in Lewiston and my Gran most likely made arrangements before her passing.

"Aubrey, you are 15 and you need to be under an adult's care. I know this isn't the time to speak about this -"

"Then can we not?" I interrupted defensively.

Ms. Davis looked around, shifting from one foot to another. "Aubrey, I need to go back to the city as soon as the funeral is over. We found a family who lives in Lewiston and would like to take you in. They have a son about your age too. They are great and your Gran would want you to have a home and a family. It would be an easy transition. You wouldn't have to move schools, or make new friends."

I shook my head, focusing on the crowd of black suits and dresses that surrounded me. I felt trapped. "Do I have a choice?"

Ms. Davis put her arms around me again, but this time, I let her hug me. "I think this is what's best and what your Gran would have wanted."

I wiped my tears with my sleeve. "Who will be the family that will take me in?"

Ms. Davis smiled, pointing towards a beautiful couple standing near the trees. "The Clavis family. They are wonderful."

They noticed me watching them and waved, smiling.

The sun lingered on my face and I rolled over until I was at the edge of the bed. The only perk of living at the Clavis's home was the large window above my bed. I groaned as the sun eventually followed me, striking my face again.

I sat up, pulling the covers to my chin and listened attentively. I smiled to myself, grateful for the silence. I noticed Gran's picture next to me. I completely forgot I had fallen asleep with it last night after Dave had hurt me.


I dragged myself out of bed, burying the incident from last night far from my minds reach. He was not going to ruin my Saturday.

I quickly brushed and threw on sweatpants and a hoodie. "Hello!" I chimed when I reached the top of the staircase. As expected, there was no response.

I laughed and did a ballerina twirl.

I put on the radio and danced to the kitchen, pouring a glass of orange juice in their crystal glass that was only used for Dave's business partners.

Every Saturday, the Clavis family would go visit Raquel's parents for most of the day, which meant I was able to freely walk around the house. I heard my phone ringing from the breakfast table, curious to know who would be calling me at this time.

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