Chapter 33: Secrets of Black Onyx

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"I am still debating on whether you look more like Kimberly or Hayden," Ryder pondered out loud.

He ran his fingers through his long grey hair, slicking it back. I was still unable to grasp how a well-groomed man was capable of murder.

"Definitely Hayden," Amelia answered obediently.

"Hmm," Ryder mused, carefully watching me with vacant blue eyes. "Aubrey, why don't we go back inside and have a chat."

"She is not interested," Aiden said, surprising us all.

Ryder chucked under his breath, rather impressed by Aiden's firmness.

"Son, I strongly advise you stay out of this."

"Sorry, I can't boss."

I continued to hide behind Aiden, feeling the bits and pieces of the old him resurfacing. I caught Julian speculate his brother's actions.

"Why is that, Aiden?" my Mother spoke. "Why are you so adamant on protecting my daughter?"

I was now glaring at her, the anger pulsing at the base of my throat. Kim used the word 'daughter' without guilt or hesitation.

Don't do it, Van Alen, my mind shouted. Don't speak, don't react, don't...

"When you care about someone, you protect them. Not that you would know," I found myself saying.

Both Julian and Aiden exchanged glances before cursing under their breaths.

Kim bit her bottom lip and continued to twirl her blond hair between his fingers. "I, I..." she stammered, dropping her gaze to the ground in defeat. "I didn't have a choice, love."

"Mom, everyone has a choice."

"Your father left too," she countered childishly. "He is also at fault."

I scoffed, not helping it. "Dad stayed with us for years. But, he passed away during a work trip, which I am assuming was probably a Black Onyx mission."

Ryder cleared his throat and gave Kim one simple look which attached wires to her lips. "I realize you both have unresolved issues, but this is not the time."

"Ryder, what do you want," Aiden said.

Ryder grinned, inclining his head towards me. "The necklace."

My hand naturally clutched onto Gran's necklace. "What's so special about my locket?" I asked Ryder, narrowing my eyes at him.

He waved my words away, his focus still on my neck. "Give me the necklace, Ms. Van Alen."

Amelia stood close to Ryder protectively and I knew she would not hesitate to hurt Aiden or Julian if they got in the way. Though, the boys were part of Black Onyx, the two women standing before us had years of practice.

"I would like to take you up on the offer of sitting down and having a chat first," I said and the surprise on Ryder's face was hard to miss. "Please tell your associates to leave."

Aiden glared at me. "What are you doing?"

"This is my fight," I mumbled, walking around him.

Ryder's laugh echoed around us, whistling with the wind. "Very professional of you." He nodded at Amelia, Kim and Nick. "I am sure we have unwanted ex firm members inside. Please go greet them."

I gulped hard, knowing exactly what "greet" translated too.

"Are you sure?" Amelia confirmed.

Ryder nodded again and they departed at once, almost robotically.

"Your turn," Ryder now said, staring at Julian and Aiden.

Aiden and Julian hesitated. "I will be fine. Just go," I whispered.

From behind, Amelia locked her gun. "Come along, kids."

Aiden continued to glare at me. "I can't believe you."

When it was finally just Ryder and I, he took a couple of steps towards me, unarmed. Oddly enough, I was no longer scared.

"My Gran gave this to me when I was younger. I don't understand why you need it," I said and he scowled at me, his charm now nonexistent.

"You are awfully curious, Aubrey."

"I believe I have the right to know. It is the least you can do because we both know how this is going to end."

Smiling, he said, "you are a very smart girl. You would have made a valuable associate of mine. It really is such a shame. Please open the locket."

I was confused. "It doesn't open."

"Have you ever tried too?"

I shook my head. The locket never left my neck and the heart shaped pendant was never intended to be opened. My Gran would have mentioned it if it had.

I slipped the necklace off and studied it in my palm, looking at it from every angle. I brought it close, noticing a very thin line around the edges. With my nail, I forcefully flicked it open. Placed carefully inside was a very small black chip.

"You want a piece of plastic?" I found myself asking and Ryder laughed, taking another step towards me.

"Olivia was a partner of the firm," he said and my mouth dropped. "No one knew since she insisted on keeping a low profile. Aubrey, Black Onyx was supposed to go on a different path – a less cruel one. For years, the partners of the firm redesigned the vision and purpose of the firm. Olivia was a great advocator in reducing the amounts of murders committed, but frankly, it was unrealistic. People do not answer to kindness. It is better to be feared, it shows who is in control. The government provides us with a list of targets, but we found ourselves having targets of our own. That chip is a portal where we receive a list of names from the Government. Without the chip, there is no firm. Aubrey, the firm has been broken up for years now because I do not have possession of this chip that your wonderful Grandmother decided to hide."

"Why would she hide it?"

"Why else?" he sneered. "She did not want me to have control over the firm because I could alter it if I wanted to by adding additional names. And the members of the firm will have no choice but to kill because they wouldn't know."

"So, the Government decided to stop protecting Black Onyx because you don't have the chip."

"Precisely. They had given us one year to kill their targets that we kept putting on the back burner since we prioritized personal targets instead. But without the chip, we were unable too. But, now, with the chip, I can have control over my firm once again. Thanks to you, Aubrey." 

I was in utter disbelief and was having difficulty processing this information. Every corner I turned, there was always a surprise. "Unbelievable," I whispered to myself.

"Aubrey, why don't you join me," Ryder's voice was low. "Become a Black Onyx member."

I watched him has a ghostly smile played in his lips. 

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