Chapter 4: Who Am I?

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The diner went back to its original state: the sound of, shit, this is due tonight, fingers clicking away on the key boards, voices speaking over the music that played in the background, and a lot of laughter – both forced and genuine.

I kept the laptop shut and decided to hand write my essay instead. 

"Earth to Aubrey." Heather plopped herself next to me, dropping my bag on the ground. 

"You're late." I continued writing.

"Learned from the best." She shifted in her seat, elbowing me. "Aubrey, Aubrey..."

"Yes, Heather," I muttered, dropping my pen and looking over at her. I was not going to get any work done today. 

"Did you see who is here?" She pointed at the table near the entrance, her blue eyes dazed and 'star-struck' again.

"Older-Hot-Stuff," I played along and she grinned.

"Do you think I have a chance?"

"He was sitting with another girl earlier today, so I am not sure. Plus, he looks a lot older. I don't know if he wants to date anyone in high school."

Heather ordered her drink, but still kept her eyes on the leather jacket boy. "Well, we will be off to college before we know it. Maybe I'll have a chance then."

The bell to the diner rang and I was hoping the woman dressed in black that I saw earlier would return. I still couldn't get over the way she looked at me. But instead, Julian strolled in, shaking the rain droplets from his hair. He ran his fingers through it, untangling the curls, while searching for an empty seat. 

I really wished I chose a table behind one of the wooden pillars. I took a mental note yesterday to text Julian and apologize for abruptly leaving last night, but of course, my evening was a little preoccupied. I could still feel Dave's hand on my cheek. 

"So, do you?" Heather asked and I glanced over at her, confused.

"Yes?" I questioned, unsure what she was talking about.

"Aubrey," she dragged. "Ben, do you think he will ask me to prom this year."

I began packing my books, nodding. "Yes, he will, Heather. He's been talking to you every day, he'd be crazy not to." She continued to watch me pack up. "Lunch is on me, let's take advantage of the empty Clavis house. We can eat on their expensive couch."

"Why can't we stay here?" she asked.

I stood up and glanced over at Julian again, afraid he noticed me. "It's too loud here." It wasn't a complete lie. The diner was getting crowded and it was going to be hard to focus on our school work.

I was the Rory Gilmore of my time - minus getting into Harvard.

"Wait." Heather now watched Julian, who, to my surprise, was staring right back at us. "Are we leaving because of him?"

I began to panic. Julian kept his gaze on me and I could feel Heather's eyes boring my back. "No," I almost yelled. "No, it's not because of him. It's loud here, we can't study, and I saw a picture of Dave and Raquel having sex on Ryan's laptop, and I think I am forever scarred. Plus, Dante's baristas do not know what light ice means." I was out of breath by the end of my rant and Heather sat there, speechless.

"Slow down, you saw a picture of Dave and Raquel having sex?" she asked. Her expression said it all: what the hell. 

I pouted at her and she rolled her eyes. "Okay, fine. Let me get my drink to go and I will meet you outside."

Reminisce With MeOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora