We talked

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Draco POV

Last night we talked to my dad.........then we left before he could even ask anything. Should I be feeling bad? Cuz I don't, honestly, I actually don't wanna deal with this...too stressing.

Hadey just showered and I just finished with my hair, I turn around to go grab a book when I hand grabs my waist and my senses are flooded with the scent of treacle tart, wood(from quidditch), vanilla and a metallic scent, the sweet scent of my amazing mate.'You smellin' really really really good.'

"Thanks, babe, you smell even more amazing though. It's Thursday today, so you wanna go out tomorrow with your friends? Then Saturday we can chill together, how's that sound."Came the sound of my mate, Hadrian Riddle's voice.....his voice literally vibrates in his chest and I know because I'm leaning my back onto his chest. I hum in agreement liking the sound of going out with friends but the idea of hanging out with my mate even more. "I like that idea, sounds fun." I'm pretty sure my voice sounds really soft right now, but I don't really care right now.....who would if they were in their mate's arms and figuratively and literally swimming in their scent.

Hades breathes in before speaking, "Kitten?"


The deep rumbly starts once again, signalling that he's talking, "If you fall asleep right now....I'll carry you to class, in front of everyone."

Jolting in his grip I turn to face him and make the cutest face I can,' You know I wouldn't mind, right?' A grin forms on Hadrian's face and before I even move he runs around the room and in a few seconds he's standing in front of me ready to go. I open my mouth to mention this but his finger is on my lip just as fast,' huh?'

"Dray~ I'm a vampire remember, plus my other creatures too. Actually, I can teach you that too, Saturday?"

Swallowing and nodding my head yes, we walk out of our room going towards the great hall to wait for our friends who will most likely be there in a little while and I was right considering that my friends Theodore Nott, Astoria Greengrass, Pansy Parkinson and Blaise Zabini walked in nearly at the end of breakfast looking like they were in a rush but neatly dressed non the less. When they arrive, Hadrian clears his throat and properly introduces himself and although my friends are sceptical at the moment they shake his hand and proceed to have small talk and later opting to talk to me or among themselves.

When Hadrian suddenly stands up I turn to look at him but he's not there and then suddenly he's standing right behind our friends and has multiple hexes being sent at him. I'm about to screen when he raises his wand by I look at his left hand when I realise he's gonna use wandless magic, and just before the spells strike him down he raises a shield that protects us. Literally leaping out of my chair I lunge at him to check for any wounds and although he is unscathed I can't stop the mental breakdown that I'm about to have. As I crumbled to the floor I can feel the hands of my friends grabbing me but Hadrian doesn't seem to realize as he puts us into the glass/mirror dimension. Panicking I realize that I was entering little space-seriously!?

Hadrian POV

As I put us into the glass dimension I notice that Draco was falling into little space to grab him and sit him in my lap making sure that he's facing me. Shaking him a little I try to wake him, but he won't which means that he's in his mind space. Before i could go in there and talk to him I realize that there is movement behind me, so I turn around only to be met with a punch to the face.

Stunned that I was punched I stare at Blaise for a second before exclaiming, "What the fuck!? What is wrong with you!!"

"What do you mean what's wrong with me! What did you do to Draco!?" yelled one annoyed Blaise Zabini. I was starting to get pissed and I didn't realize that the others had taken Dray away from me, " Blaise seriously this isn't the right time to pick a fight with me, why don't you do that when I actually have time for this, huh?"

I turn around to face Draco only to realize that he'd been taken across the room by Astoria and Pansy,  that's when I become livid. Although I remain in control I can just feel Darius's anger and all the powers of my creatures coursing through my veins. Smiling wickedly I walk at a far too calm pace towards the two and my mate, "Ladies, I'm only asking once. STEP AWAY FROM MY MATE. RIGHT. NOW!! OR I SWEAR TO MERLIN YOU'LL REGRET MEETING ME." Scurrying away from Draco the two girls run and hide behind the boys that were still far behind me.

Not even caring that I had an audience I run to Draco and place him on my lap once again, but instead, I cradle his head in my arms and while placing my head into the crook of his neck I whisper gentle things in his ears trying to get him out of his mindspace, but it's not working so I go inside his mindspace.

*Meanwhile*(third person

The four teens left across the room where stunned and very confused about the events that had just occurred. Different things were happening all at once and it seemed like their own ways of coping. 

Pansy was pacing back and forth.

Theo was tapping his foot.

Astoria was the epipheny of 'calm'.

Blaise was glaring blank faced at the wall* no signs of creepiness there*.

Eventually Pansy stopped pacing and turn to look at the rest of her friends. "Theo, stop tapping your foot, Blaise stop glaring at the wall it's done nothing to you and Astoria come give me a hug before you tell us what you're thinking." After the hug the four of them sat facing each other ready for a discussion that wasn't expected.

To Be Continued~


Sorry about the 'to be continued'. I hope you like this chapter. Busy with study, assignment are due all over the place and I have exams this week so yeah.


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