My knight in shiny armour!

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Draco Malfoy POV

I've been in the forbidden forest ever since this morning. I'm not bored or anything.....actually I'm watching Harry cause he just walked into the forbidden forest. Okay I know you're probably asking yourself why I of all people is watching Harry. Well firstly cause he could be looking for me, secondly I know he has glamour and that he might take it off and thirdly because I have a crush on him.

Anyway, I didn't do much today. When I came to the forest I lashed out but I fixed everything(to people who are visco,I'm not nature mean!) I'm not really excellent at using my powers so i spent my time practising and yes I did eat I just snuck up to the kitchens when everyone was in class. Hehe I'm so smart. 

"But then again are you cause you missed dinner and you might not be able to go to the kitchen".

OmGoooosh.........I think I've been out here too long I'm hearing things now! Then the voice came again.

"No! Draco you're not crazy just not smart enough to even recognize my voice though.....I'm offended"

This time I was really startled so I started walking away, but before I left I checked to see if Harry was ok...but he wasn't there. Creeped out I took a couple of steps back until I bumped into someone's chest. I stopped right there and slowly turned my head and saw a guy with wild jet black hair, gaunt but masculine features, broad shoulders and lots of composure.' H-He...He's smoking hot' I think as I step away to get a better look. 

"Thanx, I think you're cute too!", the stranger said in a deep voice that kinda sounded familiar.

"Wait.....waaait what do you mean ' I think you're cute too'", I demand in a semi-confused voice. "No actually who even are you!?"

"Draco. Really don't even know who I a--"

I cut him off and said, " I don't know who you are if I did I wouldn't be asking okay!"

The stranger sighed and reached out to touch my temples and just barely brushed his fingers up against them and I saw a vision of the person that everyone thinks he is. It's Harry! Oh shit, hope he's not a super-fast runner I can make a run for it to avoid talking about this morning.

"Draconis Malfoy if you think you can get out of that so quick then you are wrong....okay. Also, I've been keeping an eye on you the entire day, how are you gonna stop me from finding you. After I've been watching you since first year too and today is when I find out that you feel the same way I feel for you." I was so shocked I just blushed and tried turning away but he put a hand on my cheek, forcing me to look back at him."MHM...I didn't think so either", he whispered as he put his forehead on mine and said " Draco you won't, shan't and can't even go anywhere because even if you do I will always find you...MATE".

Harry Potter POV

Draco just stood there looking very confused, surprised and happy. Eventually, he looked up at me and made the cutest face I've ever seen him make " You're not mad about thi--"     I knew what he was going to say so I kissed him so he knew I wasn't mad."Buuut, Draco you and I need revenge on your so-called best friends....okay?"

"H-Harry why do I keep stammering?"

"Cause you are my submissive and I think your creature's about to go into heat", I said with a shrug. I kissed Draco on the forehead though cause he looked embarrassed. " Hey Dray you are adorable so don't ever be ashamed about it, besides I'm here to protect you...okay? This weekend is a Hogsmead weekend and I was thinking that maybe after we go to Gringotts you'd wanna go on a date? I was gonna ask you tomorrow...but seeing what happened today I thought it would be better now. Soooo what do you say, baby?"

"Mhm...yea I think I'd like that!", Draco nods over-excitedly and doesn't even notice that I'd just apparated us back into our dorms.

"By the way, I saved you some food!"

"Oh really thanx Harry!"


Guys! I'm really sorry I lied in the last chapter'First Day'.I said I'd publish another chapter the next day but it didn't happen. I've written this chapter and will really try writing another tomorrow. This was a good chapter I think so guys get you creature inheritance votes in for Harry. so far dragons are still in the lead but I'll show the list tomorrow.

Baiii sister!

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