The difference between being clingy and just wanting to hug someone you love.

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Hadrian POV

Today's my birthday. Yeah it's been two days since that dream...the person was right Draco and I have been clingy, I can't even spend two seconds without him in my line of sight. We've done literally everything together this week...even showering(just showering people this story's not gonna have smut) or eating or sleeping. I think people find it weird but they won't ask cause we're the Slytherin Ice Princes. I like hanging out with him though as a friend and my mate....and we get to cuddle well more or less, I snuck up on Dray when he was reading and hugged him from behind and he dropped and struggled against me cuz he thought it was someone else....

Anyway since today's meant to be when we get our full inheritances we're just gonna stay in our room and if we want food just sneak down to the kitchens. "Draco. Dracoooo, baby wake-up," he just turned around to face me and snuggled more in my arms."I don' wanna," he said voice full of tiredness. I complied with him not really sure why but I just did.


I woke up with Draco still snuggled into my chest but stirring and after a few minutes he woke up. Surveying my surroundings I realize that this is the same place that the man from my dream had appeared...that's strange. As I looked around I started to feel like I was being watched and I guess Draco must've felt that too cause we held onto me and wouldn't let go, so I wrapped my arms around him and said reassuring things in his ears as he whimpered...sooo I glared at the darkness cause that's why he was scared.

"D-Daddy I'm scared....I-I wanna go home," Draco whispered.

Wait, DADDY! Oh my gods, he just called me daddy," It's okay baby, we're gonna be fine,okay. You'll see I'll keep you safe I promise," after making sure that Dray was reassured I looked around again and found that we were in a building that seemed to be on fire and there was a piece of wood coming down from the higher floors. I quickly stood up and drew the fire into my body then shot it a the piece of wood before we were crushed and as I cleared the room of smoke I realized that the room had changed and we were at the base of a mountain in the middle of an avalanche. Using magic I put Draco in warm clothes and looked around for shelter...realizing there wasn't any I resorted to my abilities and made all the snow turn into a giant ice mansion just as we were about to be covered in snow. I turn to see my mate crying, clearly terrified, so I picked him up and when I turned to the ice igloo we were back in the dark room and there were a lot of people standing on a podium around us. Not knowing whether or not to trust them I help onto Draco as he hung onto me for dear life.

"Who the frick are you! Why are we here and why the bloody hell did you bring us here!"What, you cannot blame me for being pissed that they were hurting my mate, seriously I will bash you if you even look at him wrong.

"Okay first we are your ancestors," he said gesturing to me and Dray," Second you're here to get your full inheritance stuff sorted and third? Well, I answered that in the last question, right?"

"Oh my god! You say that as if he should know already. Seriously, Sal, he's not a mindreader," a feminine voice said from somewhere of to the right."Excuse me we are literally right in from of you and also I am a mindreader, get it'am."

"Oh woow, hey I like this one! And btw my name is Rowena Ravenclaw and these people are your ancestors; Godric Gryffindor, Helga Hufflepuff, Salazar Slytherin, Arther Pendragon, Myrddin Merlinus(Merlin), Luna Emrys and Abraxas Malfoy," said Lady Ravenclaw as she introduced us to our ancestors and pointed around the room matching the person's face with their name. 'huh? so these are my ancient ancestors? mhm, interesting.'

"We can still hear you!" they all chorused at once....did I mention they yelled that in my head, through all my mental links? Well yeah, the did, that initially didn't hurt much but it triggered something in me...damn my body's preparing for tonight soo I fell to the ground in pain, fighting myself internally so that I didn't scream in agony. I felt my head being pulled into someone's lap and immediately knew it was Draco because my pain was eased just a little bit and not as much as before.

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