Let's talk!

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As the death eaters started coming back I waited in my spot in the shadows no-one except Dad could see me as the meeting was about to begin I thought,

'This gonna be one interesting meeting'

Third Person

Currently, Hadrian Riddle was standing in the shadows in a room that's starting to fill up with death eaters. The traitor wasn't inside the room yet but he knew that they are coming. More death eaters were filling up the room and after a while, everyone was there including the traitor.  Whilst Voldemort, Hadrian's father was feeding his followers with fake plans he was walking in the shadows looking for the traitor. He kept walking until...

Hadrian POV

I kept walking until I felt an aura that had a very disgusting scent, if I hadn't been looking for it I wouldn't have known that it was there but alas that is the scent I was looking for. As I stepped out of the shadows no-one saw me of course because I made my presence and aura unknown to them, I walked to the centre of the room where I came to find one PETER PETTINGREW. Honestly this guy AGAIN!?

I stood next to him trying not to cringe and communicated with my father telling him that I'd in fact been correct about a traitor in our midst. After a few minutes, he concluded with his plans saying, "Does anyone have an issue with the plan? Raise your hand if you do and I will deal with it." I raised my handing up and as if one cue everyone gasped, I mean if I was anyone else right now I'd be dead in the next 30 seconds.

"Yes, I do have an issue....a very big issue."

Father stood there for a moment trying to make the act convincing, "and what might this issue be exactly," drawled looking bored and I pretended to shake as if in fear when in truth my body was quaking with laughter, "Come on I don't have all day, out with it!"

I stood up straighter and looked him dead in the eye before answering, " We have a TRAITOR in our midst! PETER PETTINGREW IS THE TRAITOR!"

Everyone once again gasped as if one cue then proceeded to raise their wands at Pettingrew and I before one yelled, "And exactly why should we even believe you! For we know YOU are the traitor." I laughed slightly with a mad glint in my eye before turning to look at one shaking Peter Pettingrew. "Then let me show you what he knows...." I say as I dive inside his head showing what he knows and what can prove that he is the traitor. When I finished showing his memories they all turned and looked at me suspiciously before looking at my father.

"My Lord, I believe he might be lying....it could be a trick-" Fenrir Greyback was cut off by Voldemort.

He did not finish his sentence before Papa interjected, "Shut It. I do not need your input I know who he is. How DARE you show disrespect to your prince? That is absolutely unacceptable."

There was utter silence until all hell broke loose, some of the death eaters were turning to attack me, others stood in shock, and others just stood there looking confused. The first and only one to actually attack was an infuriated Fenrir Greyback. Running at me with all the speed he could muster....which was pretty slow compared to me, he raised his fists towards me but when he punched it was thin air. Greyback looked around with a confused look on his face a look that soon turned to rage when he saw me standing behind him.

I slowly raised my hand at the angered werewolf and motioned for him to come at me, with a malicious grin appearing on his face he charged but got nowhere as I had met him halfway and incapacitated him within less than 10 seconds. As I stood up I dusted no-existent dust from my shoulder and looked up to see the curious eyes of my father's followers. "Now that you've been taught a lesson Greyback...should I ask for your permission to destroy the traitor or do you wanna be embarrassed again?" He shook his head no and I turn to face Peter Pettingrew, the traitor that was currently in the middle of trying to sneak away from us.

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