The Parent Talk

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Hadrian POV

After I got back last night I was feeling good, and I wasn't hungry anymore. But now I don't know what Dray's gonna think about it. I mean he knows that's my diet and all but I kinda feel bad that I didn't feed on him instead of starving myself.....I guess we'll have to talk about it. Anyway I need to tell him about speaking to our parents, well mine mainly then we need to sort out the Malfoy Lord thing. Another busy week I guess.

I'm broken out of my thinking process when I feel movement next to me. I turn to see my wild cat waking up ....whispering in his ear I say "Morning baby....sleep well?" I look down to see one very startled Draco Malfoy looking as if he'd seen a ghost.

"When did you get back? I was worried.....why didn't you tell me?"he looks up at me eyes pleading, begging for an answer.....his eyes start to water and I know I have to think quick and not just stare at him. I looked away feeling really bad that I didn't tell him, I just didn't wanna hurt him. I look back to see him gazing at me so intensely I nearly thought he was the dom, so I look down covering my eyes with my hair not knowing what to say.

"I...-I'm so sorry. I should have told you I know, but I wasn't sure if I'd be able to stop myself and by the time I built up courage to ask I was craving and didn't know how I'd react if I drank from you....I didn't wanna hurt you. Please don't be angry I just wanted to keep you safe and yeah I know you can protect yourself but I wanna be able to do that too."After a few minutes of silence, I look up thinking that he was angry only to find that he kept opening and closing his mouth, eyes glazed over. I panic and start shaking him softly trying to get a reaction out of him to no avail so I shake him a little harder then his eyes refocus.

Draco POV

"please don't be angry I just wanted to keep you safe and yeah I know you can protect yourself but I wanna be able to do that too.".....

Oh My GODS! H-he was protecting me....from himself? Marco! He was PROTECTING me.....

'YEAH IKR! I told you! He does care and he does want you.'

Does...Does that mean he'll protect me from Dumbledore  and from....well his ex-friends?

'Yes of course. I for one never doubted that for a second.'

*end convo*

I realized that Hades was shaking me with a worried look on his face. Then he looks at me expectantly waiting for me to say something. Not knowing what he wanted me to say I cocked my head the side showing my confusion for a little while.......then I remember he was apologizing for not telling me about his food situation. It makes me feel so happy that he wants to protect me even at his own expense. I didn't even realize that I was crying until I felt a warm hand cradle my face, leaning into the hand I purr in content.......wait did I just PURR?

I snap my head up and was about to look away in embarrassment but my chin was gripped by the same feeling causing me to purr again, this time I close my eyes going with the flow not caring what anyone thinks. When I open my eyes I see Hadey looking at me with so much love and content in his eyes causing me to blush a little, eventually Hadey starts speaking,"Hadey huh? mmm I like it!", I didn't realize I was thinking loud, so I hid my face in Hadrian's firm chest to cover my blush. As soon as I do that he starts laughing and the rumble in his chest is sooo satisfying because I know that I caused it but our moment gets interrupted by knocking at the door.

"Mr Malfoy, it's Madame Pomfrey can you please explain how you got here after I gave you a sleeping potion?" I sigh letting go of Hadey going to open the door but alas before I even took a step he picked me up placing me on his hip before opening the door to a shocked looking nurse.

Trouble Maker in Hogwartsजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें