Hella Inheritance and date Pt2

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Draco POV

I'm so tired right now. I know that I'm in the infirmary and I know that I was jumped by Dumbledore's goon; Ronald bloody Weasley. Even after being tortured, I knew that Harry would save me but even with that thought in mind I still remembered what my father did to me and how my mother just stood there too afraid to help me because she didn't want to feel pain.

I'm so glad that I managed to hang on to consciousness, but what I can't figure out is why Harry would let Hermione Granger come along with them....I'll have to come back to that when Harry gets back. Uggh how bad is their timing too I was meant to go on a date with Harry tomorrow, but what if he changed his mind or....or doesn't even want to go out with me, what if he's just doing it out of pity and I'm actually his mate, what if he's just playing with my emotions an-and what if he's just gonna be like my dad... At some point, through that rambling, I ended up balling my eyes out but I just kept going. Madame Pomfrey must've heard me and was at my side trying to calm me...but she wasn't helping I knew who I wanted to be there with me and that person; Harry wasn't here...what if he never was by my side to begin, Madame Pomfrey must've realised I wasn't gonna stop crying anytime soon so she left. When she came back she wasn't alone but my vision was too blurry at this point and I couldn't tell who it was. The person she was with took one look at me and reacted solo fast I didn't even realise I was in someone's arms until ten seconds later. I turned to look at my capture and when I saw who it was I don't know what possessed me but I balled my eyes out even harder crying out and saying,"Plea-please don't leave me...I-I don't wanna be alone. Please don't..." The arms around me held me tight until I faded into sleep.

I had a bad dream if that's what you'd call it. My father, mother, Harry, Voldemort and the death eaters were all there. It looked like there was a trial going on since I was on a podium and there was a jury. The hall was full of people and suddenly the doors slammed wide open to reveal one Harry James Potter. All of a sudden there were masses rushing towards him all trying to blast him with hexes and curses until Voldemort stood up and separated the crowd only to cast the cruciatus curse on harry for a full ten minutes laughing and spouting nonsense about him. That was until he was released from his misery with a bright green light, the killing curse. The whole time this happened I couldn't move an inch and my screams were unheard to anyone. Then all of a sudden everyone is looking at me, the death eaters staring in anticipation, my parents laughing like mad people and Voldemort grinning as if he was the hunter and he'd just found his prey and then all I saw before waking up was a green light from the killing curse.

Waking up from sleep had never felt so good in my life! But then again I shouldn't have had a nightmare if Harry was with me the whole time...I start to feel around the bed with my hands only when I realise I'm alone do I open my eyes to see that Harry isn't there. I start to panic thinking that the dream had been real and that Harry wasn't alive or maybe he just didn't want me anymore. In my panicked state, I didn't even realise that I had started crying again until I fell off the bed and onto the surprising not very hard floor. Curios and confused as to what I'd just landed on I look up to find the one and only Harry Potter, alive and breathing,"....H-Harry?" I managed to breath out in a dazed whisper. I blinked back a couple of tears and tried again, "Harry....u-umm are you awake?" I just got a muffled reply so I decided to pester him awake by art of.....tickling! As soon as I started I heard a deep rumbling noise, mhm his must not have his glammer on I  thought as I continued tickling him. Eventually, after some coaxing, he finally woke up only to tackle me into a hug from behind(couples do that right? so it's okay) and a kiss on the cheek.

"Draco," Harry said.


"Tell me what's wrong...oh and before you say and I quote 'nothing's wrong' I want you to tell me face to face even though I can just look through your mind," Harry replied in an I'm not joking tone.

As soon as he said that my first thought was literally 'Why don't you just look into my mind that waaaay easier'.

Next thing I heard from Harry was, "I'm not going into your mind without permission...that's a violation of privacy, plus I want you to be able to trust me....trust me enough to tell me by yourself."Whoops, I guess he can hear the really loud thoughts. ' Am I right on that one Harry?' I thought trying to test my theory.

"Yea that's right. Hey don't run away from the question....tell me what's wrong or else I won't let you go," he said but his tone was very convincing...'no joke though Harry you not letting go of me wouldn't be your worst idea yet'

'Tell me what's wrong now and then we can come back to the me not letting you go thing'

Sigh."I had a really bad dream. The....the things they did to me brought bad memories for me, but now I have you to worry about too so you were in my dream and something bad happened to you....and I keep thinking that you're gonna change your mind about being my mate so that's why."

Harry turned my around to face him and looked me in the eye....I guess he must've been looking for what i dreamt about and when he saw it his face was soo angry I nearly winced but decided to frown instead, but forgot to frown when he suddenly had tears in his eyes....huh oh I guess he was looking at what happened before I slept. After all those memories and images flashing before his eyes, Harry had to shake his head to clear it up but as soon as he was done he looked at me so fiercely I nearly tripped....on nothing too so I looked down afraid that my mate was angry because of me. As soon as I looked at the floor I heard growling coming from Harry so I looked up through my long lashes only to hear him say, "Draco, I need you to look at me. Look me in the eye and tell me honestly if you believe my next words to be a lie." and so I looked but that would never prepare me for the next words that came out of his mouth.

"Draconis Lucian Malfoy, I swear on my magic that I have and always will love you no matter what and I swear that you will never be alone in this world so long as I live, so mote it be."

'OMFG'                                                                                                                                                                                        'OMFG'                                                                                                                                                                                        'OMFG'

I just stared dumbly at him for what felt like forever until "Draco close your mouth or YOU'LL catch flies with it."

"OMFG.....y-yo-you-yo-you just....but you c-can't do th-", I was cut off by a simple kiss on the lips and after what he just said I have a feeling he feels quite smug at the thought of my current state.

'Yes....I did just do that and yes I do feel quite smug but I'll save it for later cause right now we need to clean-up cause it's Saturday and I believe we have a Gringotts appointment and a date to go to" Harry said in a matter of fact voice.


(Harry Potter)(Author)

Guys so sorry I'm dragging out the date and

Yea sure you are....write that story quickly I wanna go on my date!

Hey I write you up have some respect for me.

Yea suuure just whatever. Okay so readers, she is sorry that the date scene and the gringotts scene is taking forever but we have more creature votes so stay tuned for that update.

Yea, there might be a creature votes update coming soon before the next chapter hope you excited to see the numbers.


Hi readers sorry I've taken forever to write this chapter.I was busy with assignment now considering that I'm going to school again, but I hope you enjoyed that. Don't forget to vote for creatures and write comments. Hope you stay safe against Covid-19.

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