First Day

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Harry POV

After what happened last night I'm sure that Draco wants to ask a lot of questions. I really am not looking forward to it, but this weekend is a Hogsmead weekend which means that I can go Gringotts and get everything sorted out over again. Luckily we have the rest of the week to recuperate and prepare for the start of term.

Right now I was in my mind space but I felt a presence walk into the room so I opened my eyes to find one Draconis Malfoy. "Hey, dude what's up. You need something?". I can feel something is up so I just wait for him to start talking. Draco just keeps standing there so I stand up and walk up to him but before I even get to him he meets me and then kisses me, I was surprised so I kissed back then we broke apart and he was blushing which kinda made me happy cause I knew that I was the one to make him look like that. We stared at each other and I was about to say something when he just turned around and ran out of the room.


Draco POV

OMG now I regret telling Pansy and Blaise that I like liked Pottah and I also regret letting them make me play T to D, K or S(truth or dare, kiss or swear). I mean I should have seen it coming though when I picked kiss, but even though I didn't want to I did it cause I would have been in pain until I did it. Those are the rules of magical T or D, K or S, if you don't do it you start getting pains in our body. But that ruined what I wanted my first kiss to be like how could one be so inconsiderate!

"Pansy, Blaise why did you have to do that! I wanted to kiss Pottah when I was ready not when you wanted me to. Plus because it was a dare I didn't get to enjoy my first kiss properly. How could you!"I yelled as soon as I saw their hideous faces.

"Oh plssss I'm sure that he can't kiss properly......why do you even care!?"Pansy retorted.

"....Because Pansy, I'm in love with him okay. I'm in love with Harry friggin Potter and you ruined my first kiss with him."I screamed out at her not knowing that the person in fact was standing right behind me. I stopped when I saw the horror on her face, but the look soon became too smug so I just had to ask, "What Pansy, what.....Are you gonna tell me he's standing right behind me now too!?" She kept staring at me so I turned around and saw him right there. Speak of the devil I think as I turn to Pansy and scream, "Oh look now I don't even get to confess my feelings to him the way I really wanted to!"

I stormed out of the room and ran straight to the forbidden forest because I have a secret too...I have a creature inheritance. And you may be wondering 'what are you Draconis Malfoy' the answer in fact is I have no idea! For crying out loud I don't think I was ready to know but I learnt how to use these abilities. Btw I didn't even tell my parents or go to Gringotts, so you may wonder why I'm telling you this. Well, I came to the forest because I can take my glamour because it really hurts keeping it up for a long time.

This was written in class so the next chapter will be coming hopefully soon. Stay safe everyone!

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