The new US!

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I still remember the kiss this morning when he told me I am gorgeous

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I still remember the kiss this morning when he told me I am gorgeous. He even made me breakfast....geez I'm in love.'Of course you're in love what else could it be.' I blush knowing that Hades heard my thoughts. "Umm well we both haven't showered yet and you're still washing up can I go shower first then?" I left at the simple nod of a head.

I'm halfway though showering and I feel a presence at the back of my mind. I wonder where that's coming from so I push back, then it starts speaking.

A/N 'The creature' and Draco

'Goodness you and your mate are so alike'

Your my creature inheritance aren't you

'But you're smarter'

Are you insulting my mate?

'Uh...sorry I didn't mean that? Whatever, I'm here to get you two together and tell you all your new creatures. Your creatures are Kitsune, Forest Lord, Lamia, werewolf,dark neko and dark elf. Your mate has a few similar creatures so that'll make training a bit easier for both of you, but it's gonna be hard for you because Hadrian has already mastered some of his an extent. Just let him know that you can't start training this week to give your bodies a break from the transformation....just use magic in class.'

Are you done now?

'Yes, why?'

Okay i'mma keep showering now.

(end conversation)

I come back to reality and I realize that I'm now sitting and my back is being scrubbed....wait. Turning around I find a rather relaxed looking Hades scrubbing my back for me with a lopsided smile on his face.'Welcome back to Earth beautiful' I turn back around with my back facing him trying to hide a blush that was forming on my face.


Draco turns around clearly trying to hide his blushing face, but I think it's cute and I like making him blush like that

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Draco turns around clearly trying to hide his blushing face, but I think it's cute and I like making him blush like that. I grab is chin making him face me; blush all over his face and tips of his ears. "You know I might lose all self-restraint if you keep making cute faces like that," I whisper into his ear. He seems to be staring at my lips and instinctively licks his bottom lip and unintentionally making me lose restraint so I just go ahead and kiss him....let me just say by the end of that kiss he was a blushing wreck.

I pull away from him and finish showering and let him finish by himself after I left, I went and sat the bed(we combined the beds) and read. It was a while before Dray came out of the bathroom and when he did he looked adorable and was a little flustered and red in the face it was quite the site so I took yet another mental image of it.

"So Dray, your creature spoke to you right? You know that we can only use magic in class for now yeah?"

"Mhm and then we can start training after that, btw what creatures did you get?"

"I'm a elemental shadow dragon, dark veela, dark elf, vampire lord, demon prince and Master if the deathly hallows and you?"

"Kitsune, Forest Lord, Lamia, werewolf,dark neko and dark elf."

"Haha we both got 6 inheritances how cool's that! Now come, let's get food...I'm parched."

'Me too...ugh we have school tomorrow'

I shake my head as Draco comes over and takes my hand before rushing us down the stairs and into the great hall where everyone was about to have lunch. After that we went for a walk around the school grounds and talked about ourselves and got to know each other for the whole afternoon. Later on I took Dray to the astronomy tower where we watched the sunset before going to snuggle together in bed, before falling asleep in each other's arms.


Hello there readers! This chapter was pretty short and kinda sappy, but I just kinda needed a filler soooo yea. The drama shall begin and Hadrian will finally meet his parents, whilst Draco finds out secrets about his own family.

CYA next chapter have a good one peoplessss!


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