Staring chapter 1: karma is a bitch

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A/n. Quick let me fill you in. Ayesha has 2 bffs. Marie and Layla. Stephen has 3. Klay. Dray. And Tyler
Tyler has only been there friend for about 8 mons so you can count him as a close friend not BFF.
Now let's start...

Ayesha pov.
"Let's have a movie night" Layla said looking up from her phone. We were all laying in my room scrolling threw social media.
"Ok but it is only the 3 of us. Kinda sad right?" Maria said.
"Yea I know" I sighed
"Why don't we invite the guys."
"As in??"
"The basketball team" Layla's boyfriend was Tyler and he's on the basketball team. Although me and Steph go wayyyyy back. Not in a good way.
"Yea there is gonna be a chill get together in the lounge But it might move to Stephen p's house since it is close by." Marie added
"No" I said
"Oh come on pleeeeeeeese. Stephen will be there."
"Exactly" I added
"Come on Ayesha. He's not that bad" Marie said
"He isn't that bad. He booby trapped my locker and like a million litres of water fell on me!" I said remembering
last week.
"Only because you flattened his tires"
"Well he deserved it." I said crossing my arms
"You guys are in college grow up"
"Tell him that"
"We're going. And that's that" Marie said getting up
"Ha good luck with that. We aren't invited" I said smugly. They looked at each other.
"Well we were all invited.."
"Huh when?" I asked
"And you were gonna tell me when"
"Uugh Fine we'll go" I said really not looking forward to it.
"Come on We'll be late for school"
"Thank god its Friday"

We arrived at school which was like 4 minutes away from our dorm room. We walked straight to our lockers, got out our books and went to class.
"How nice of you to finally join us ladies" our teacher said
"Sorry miss" we all mumbled
"You will be joining those 4 delinquents in detention." She said pointing. My eyes followed where she was pointing.
"Oh please miss. Not with them" I spat. She was pointing to Steph, Dray, Klay and Tyler.
"You shouldn't have been late then". I groaned and sat down in front of Steph
"What did you do? Prick" I asked
"Keyed her car. Princess" he said leaning back in his chair
"She slept with Tyler's dad. And now him and his mom are getting a divorce" he whispered
"Really. Her. Not to be mean but she's ugly"
"I know right! But for some reason his dad likes it."
"Silence!!" She shouted
"Stephen, Ayesha. Care to share with the class or can your lovers quarrel Wait" she said earning a giggle from the class including Marie and Layla
"This is not a "lovers quarrel" Miss" Steph said in a serious tone
"Then stop talking" she said
"Whatever you say. Home wrecker" I mumbled. Her eyes widened at this. She continued with the lesson.
"Good one" Stephen said in my ear making me freeze.
"Whatever" I said rolling my eyes, acting like it didn't affect me. Once class finished my friends and I were just walking around the hallways since we all had a free period.
"Hey babe!" Tyler said as he kissed Layla
"Hii "she replied
"So you guys coming to movie night tonight". Klay asked walking up to us
"Yep" i said looking down
"Sweet" Dray said
"Yo Stephen can I have those notes now" Tyler asked
"Sure" He said as he opened his locker. SPLASH
"What. The actual. Fuck." He said emphasising every word
"Not so nice it it Curry" I said walking next to him
"You absolute bitch" he spat
"Well. Karma is a bitch soo..." I said smugly. Whilst everyone else was laughing. I hate to admit it but he looks hot right now.
"I am so gonna get you back" he said
"Come on change in the locker room" Dray said
"We'll come with" Layla said
"Yea we need to arrange things for tonight." Marie said. We walked into the boys locker room. It was empty because everyone was in class. Steph lifted his shirt and took his it off. Wow.
"Your staring princess. My eyes are up here" he said chuckling
"Was not, I was just... wait a minute where's your scar." I said getting up and walking towards him. He had a scar running from the side of his torso to near his belly button. He got it when he tripped shooting a 3 pointer and landed badly on a fence.
"Ssshhhhhh" He said looking around. The others were by Tyler's locker
"It's make up."
"No one can know about it"
"And why's that"
" because then coach will think I can't play basketball without getting injured."
"No he won't"
"You don't know that" he said getting a tank top on.
"Now let's go" I said
We all finished school and during the classes I would find myself daydreaming about Stephen if it wasn't about his eyes it was about his abs or his scar. I can't help it!

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