Buried Feelings Part 1

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Thank you          __sweets for the amazing story idea. I am still uncertain how this will play out but I am pretty proud of this 1st chapter. Enjoy!

Back story.

Ayesha and Stephen have been frenemies since forever. They hang out with eachother due to their friends and refuse to accept that they actually enjoy each others company. Over the years they have changed. Mentally and physically and through these changes they have become more compatible and attracted to eachother.
Their feelings have grown stronger as well as their power to deny it. Every one around them can tell. Will they be able to?

Ayesha pov.
Me and Blair were walking down the hallways. We had a free period and were bored as fuck. So we decided to do around the college until we reached our lockers,
"Soooo. You been asked out yet." Blair asked me.
"Girl. I told you. All these people are either dopey as fuck or slutty. I ain't about that" I replied watching her sigh.
"What about Kevin? He asked you out and he is perfect." She added
"Yes but he ain't my type. He is an athlete and you know I don't date athletes. Or even associate with them." I said
"Except for Steph." She said smugly.
"He's different. He is not like other athletes." I said. Yes I realise I am contradicting myself by saying this but it's the truth. Even though he is an annoying, cute, irritating bastard. Forget the cute part. His friends are inbetween being decent and cocky af
"By 'he's different' you mean he is the only one you have feelings for." She stayed. I gasped.
"No no no. Absolutely not."
"Yes yes yes. You do. It is so obvious. The way you talk about him. The sparkle you get in your eyes just because his name gets mentioned. Fronting like you hate him."
"I'm not fronting. I don't 100% hate him. Hate is to strong of a word. I just..." before I could finish she interrupted
"Klay and Dray both think the same as me."
""Since when do I care what they think." I said just as we reached our lockers.
"What who thinks?" A voice said from behind me. I looked over my shoulder a saw Steph aka college basketball superstar.
"None of your fucking business." I snapped
"Damn bitch. Chill." He replied. Causing me to narrow my eyes and purse my lips.
"Don't call me that."
"Call you what. Bitch!" He said.
"If you don't stop I'll—
"You'll What?" He said before I could finish.
"Oh shut up." I said.
"Exactly. Don't start shit you can't finish yeesh"

Stephen pov.

Ok I had to admit Ayesha is beautiful. But that doesn't mean anything. I find a lot of girls hot, just not in the way Ayesha is.
"You know what. I might say yes to Kevin after all." Ayesha said to Blair.
"Kevin? As is Kevin from the basketball team." Klay asked her
"Yeah why?"
"Ugh I hate that nigga." I spat
"He aight off court. On court though he is fucking useless." Dray said. Yes he was.
"Oh well. He is cute." She said. For some reason this made me feel weird. It was like I disliked the fact she found someone cute. Impossible. It doesn't matter to me who she goes out with. Right?
"What's wrong Stephen?" Blair asked in a somewhat teasing tone.
"What do you mean?" I asked
"Oh nothing. It's just you look a bit off." She said smirking slightly
"No." I gulped. She narrowed her eyes slightly and nodded her head. We walked down the corridor and me and Ayesha naturally gravitated towards eachother. Force of habit.
"Yo Steph. Anyone asked you out?" Dray asked as we walked.
"Yup" I said simply
"You said yes to any?" Klay asked making Ayesha look up for some reason. Her eyes were so hypnotising. I felt myself get lost in them for a second before snapping out of it.
"Nope. They all just thirsty." I replied shaking out of my trance.

Ayesha pov.

"What about Mackenzie?" Blair asked Stephen.
"What about her" he replied
"I'm pretty sure she was or is gonna ask you out." She stated
"Yeah I heard that to" klay said.
"So. Just coz she askin don't mean I'm gonna accept." He said. For some reason this seemed to ease me. I don't know why I was tense in the first place.
"So. What? You gonna stay a fuck boy all your life." I remarked.
"You know it nigga." He said. I giggled slightly under my breath. One thing Stephen always succeeds in is making me laugh. Whenever he did I would always deny it. It was our little thing. If I made him laugh I would call him out and if he made me laugh he would call me out. Luckily he never heard my subtle giggle.
"But. Mackenzie isn't a hoe or anything. She Aight you know." Dray said.
"I'll think bout it." He said. There it was again. That tense feeling. A knot in my stomach. The thought of him with a girl just made me feel weird. And I hated the feeling and hated the reason I was experiencing it.

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