2 Sides of the same coin. Part 1

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Thank you.     simonej23 for the amazing idea. I am low key considering making this a full fledged book. 😂 😂 😂

Stephen is a conserved 18 year old boy. There is no denying he is hot but no one really notices. He has 2 friends who are popular jocks. He is incredible at basketball but has a deal with the school not to play because the principal's son is on the team and he is worried Stephen will over shadow him. In return he has a guaranteed spot in the NBA when the time comes. As for Ayesha well she is the opposite. She is popular, known by everyone and her looks are always on display. Don't get me wrong she is not a slut or anything. She is just confident. Her and Stephen have been acquaintances since the start of high school. They are not necessarily friends but they know eachother. They are both equally intelligent and both have a dream that is out of reach. Will they bond or will they stay on 2 sides of the same coin.

Ayesha pov.

"So. Where are you going?" Kathrine asked me. Me and my boyfriend of 1 month we're going out on a date.
"Uum. I don't really know." I answered.
"What are you gonna wear?"
"Uum. How about this." I said as I pulled out a long floral dress with a black belt.
"To long."
"Well. I don't really wanna put on something to short." I said truthfully. I don't want to wear something revealing, I am just not that comfortable with him to wear something that shows my whole ass.
"Okay. How about this." She said pulling out a relatively long black dress with a belt. I matched it with some gold jewellery and heels.
"Yep now lets go to school." I say. I know it is stupid to plan for something hours earlier but I needed ma girl with me and after school she wasn't free.    

We both got into the car and drove to school. I actually love school. I mean if you were a popular person who was dating the basketball captain wouldn't you love school. Also unlike other popular girls I'm actually not dense. We got to school and walked in. Everyone immediately began to stare. It wasn't new for me, people often said hello and tried to spark conversation with me and attempted to become my friend but I declined. These fake asses were all just desperate for popularity. All the boys along the corridor either stared at my ass or boobs and wolf whistled as I walked. Except one. As I passed his locked which was opposite mine, he looked down pushing his friends who were staring. Hmm. He was.... cute. I was swiftly distracted from my thoughts when a pair of arms wrapped around my waist.

"Hey baby." Brady said in my ear. I grimaced subtly as the moisture of his breath spread across the side of my face.
"Heyy." I said turning around to face him. I pecked him on the lips removing them quickly causing him to bite my lip and deepen the kiss slipping his tongue in my mouth. For fucks sake! I thought. I held my breath and gagged slightly.
"Not here." I said sweetly pulling away from him. He smiled and winked.
"Tonight." He said walking away. I quirked my head in confusion, he had barely said 2 words to me and now he just walked away telling me he wanted sex. I sighed, gathering my stuff and closed my locker. I walked away not looking and bumped into a boy.

Stephen pov.
I woke up at 6 am to shoot some hoops. I barely get the chance to play. So I wake up 2 hours early and practice everything. From layups to dunks to my all time favourite move. 3 pointers. I just had a knack for it. It was really a put down when I was denied the chance for the basketball team. But the bright side was I got a guaranteed spot on the nba. My principal arranged for some scouts to see me play and let's just say they were thoroughly impressed. My parents argued saying that it wasn't fair and all that shit but soon accepted because they new my chances of getting noticed at my chosen college Davidson wasn't high. Well at least that's what the principal said. Me, Klay and Dray think it was a load of bull but hey better safe than sorry. Eventually my brother came outside and we started playing HORSE. Of course I crushed him. It was soon time for school and I met up with Dray and klay at my locker.
"Yo" Dray said
"How you been."  Klay asked.
"Good. Who you playing against next game." I asked getting my stuff.
"The State Green's Stones." He replied
"Oh." I answered. The stones were fucked.
"Hey. You know Kayla wanted to ask you out" Dray said.
"Yeah I turned her down." I said.
"Why the fu- " they said before getting distracted. I followed their eyes and saw where they where they were looking. I pushed them and they snapped out of it.
"Why did you turn her down." They said.
"She just ain't my type." I said. They looked at me like I was crazy.
"Bro. When a girl like that asks you out. Type does not matter." Dray sighed
"And it's not like you a skinny ugly nigga." Klay said. Ok so I have some muscle doesn't mean I have to accept when girls rarely ask me out.
"Oh well." I say as they bell goes. I walk away bumping into, you guessed it. Ayesha.
"Shit Sorry." I said helping her pick up her books while she does the same.
"No it's ok." She said nicely.
"I-I um here." I said giving her, her belongings.
"Thank. Here you go." She said passing me my books.
"Oh fuck. I didn't mean to" I said looking at her phone case which had a huge crack in the middle.
"No. It's fine I've been meaning to change it." She said. Oh I was expecting her to lash out and embarrass me.
"Oh. Well sorry again." I said. Before walking away.

The Curry Couple.  (Stephen Curry and Ayesha curry one shots)Where stories live. Discover now