Running from the past. Part 3.

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simonej23   Tell me what you think. 😙💋

This chapter's povs are a bit messed up but I hope you can get the gist.
Ayesha pov.
It's been around a month and a half since me and Steph had that conversation. Things have been going ok. We've had little scuffles. I've definitely made it clear I still don't like him which results in him pestering me. He does me the odd favour here and there. And has gotten everything right. Until now.
"Wardell Stephen Curry!!!" I shout walking towards him. He was leaning against the bleachers with Dray and Klay. Sophie was hot on my tail.
"Oooo boy you bout to get whooped" Dray whispers.
"What?" He asks.
"What hair colour did I say to text Sophie." I say.  A couple of days earlier I had asked him to text Soph and tell her to pick me up some BROWN hair colour for my tips and some touch ups. My phone had died and and Stephen agreed to help me with And I quote. "Whatever whenever". But this nigga texted BLONDE and not brown. And me being me I never checked the damn box. Now I have blond tips and streaks.
"Um you said brown why?" He replies.
"God your stupid." Soph says shaking her head.
"You texted blonde dumbass." I said. His mouth fell into an O. Shape. Klay laughs.
"So your hair is—"
"Yup." I say pulling down the hood of my jaket. He looks at me weirdly.
"Fuck Off. I thought your hair would be green. You look Aight.  You so dramatic." He says. I scoff.
"Did you just say I'm dramatic." I say.
"Yes. Who cares about hair." He says. I look at him like he's a psycho. Heloooo I'm the girl keeping your secret from the whole world.
"What did you just say?" I say through gritted teeth. He sighs and puts his back pack on the grass.
"How long do I have?" He groans.
"5 seconds." I say. He immediately starts running. I run after him shouting all sorts. I just hear his laughter. His running slows when he realises there's a fence coming up. This gives me an advantage. I run up to him and tackle him. I place myself on his back with the side of his face against the ground.
"You know this would be a lot more enjoyable for both you and me if I was the other way round." He says. I can just hear his smirk. I smack his head.
"Say sorry" I urge.
"You texted the wrong colour. For all I know this could damage my hair." I say. Ok now I was being dramatic.
"Fine. I'm sorry. You happy? Now can you please get the fuck off me." He says.
"On what." He groans.
"If you are willing to do something for me."
"Baby just turn me around and I can do a whole lot for you." he says flirtatiously.
"Ew no. I'll tell you when I decide. But when I do. You have to do it." I say. He nods. I sigh and get off him.
"I don't know why your getting hung up on this. You look hot." He says dusting himself off. A blush rises up my cheeks.
"Oh shut up." I say. He smirks.
"Ok ya'll done." Klay says.
"God the sexual tension is real." Soph says.
"I know right." Dray adds.
"Huh. No." I say.
"Gross. Well for me. She on the other hand was just saying how she'd have a better time if she was straddling me." He says. I gasp.
"Nigga. Your the one acting like a hormonal 13 year old." I say.
"Your the one who gets a lady boner every time I so much look at you." he says cockily. I grimace.
"Your the one who-". My words were cut off by Soph.
"If y'all gonna give not only us but the who god damn school reasons why you both are attracted to each other. Be quite shit heads." She says. We both look around seeing people just staring at us. I huge wave of embarrassment hits me.
"Ok shows over." Steph says. The all slowly start talking to each other again. I groan walking back to the bleachers.
"What is it with you two." Dray says.
"Yeah. Why does Steph have to do everything for you?" Klay adds.
"Ask him." I reply. They look to him.
"Um well. To be honest I feel sorry for her."  He starts. I glare at him.
"Ok fine. We had a bet and I lost." He lies.
"Hmmm." I mumble bitterly. He's making me out to be the bad guy when it's me who's doing him the favour.
"I'm going class." I say dryly walking off. Sophie follows me.

Stephen pov.

I kinda felt bad. I know I was being a bastard to Ayesha, I just didn't want her to forgive me so quickly. I don't get it myself, it's like if she fully forgives me, she'll drift and go with new people. More specifically new boys. I don't even think I like her but the thought of her not talking to me just gives me a weird feeling. When her and Sophie walked away I could sense she was mad.
"You know you want to Stephen." Klay says.
"Go talk to her. Or annoy her. Which ever one you wanna. Just go." Dray says. I didn't even bother to argue and started walking up to her when a girl called me.
"Hey Stephen." Veronica says to me. Veronica was a girl I was chasing since freshman, I gave up once I hit junior year. But ever since I became a 'popular jock' in senior year, she's been all over me. I was sorta happy about this since she was my crush for a while.
"Would you like to come homecoming with me? I know it's really meant to be the boy who asks with a sign but... what do you say?" She asks. Normally I'd say yes with no hesitation but something was in the way.
"Um yes." I say. Although it felt almost wrong,
"Perfect. Meet me here at 7." She says. I mean homecoming was in a couple of weeks so I don't know why she's acting like it's tonight. I didn't question it and went to find Ayesha. I saw her against a locker talking to Jim. He is the schools 'heartbreaker'. Why the fuck is she talking to him. I go up to them and lean on the locker behind Ayesha.
"Wassup." I say. I see her roll her eyes.
"Nothing to do with you." She says.
"Continue." She adds talking to Jim. He rambles on about a lot of bull shit. I zoned out.
I started playing with Ayesha's hair waiting for her bland conversation to end. I pulled slightly causing her to gasp subtly. Ok imma have some fun with this.
Ayesha pov.
I walked to my locker in a huff, I don't like it when Stephen acts all annoying. But I'd be lying if I said it wasn't the least bit enjoyable. Just a bit. I shook my head at my thoughts and open my locker. I removed my hoodie revealing my cropped top. It was light purple and have frilly short sleeves. My back was slightly exposed as the top was connected with a string then again at the bottom. The middle was bare. I wore this with my jeans.
"Soooo" Sophie drawled.
"Sooo?" I reply.
"You and Stephen Huh." She says.
"No." I say shutting my locker. She sighs,
"Whatever you say. I gotta get to class. Bye Yeesh." She says.
"Bye Soph." I say as she walks off. I was about to walk away when Jim walks up to me. I've heard about him but lord was he fine. His hair wasn't as curly as Stephen's and his face wasn't as defined and he definitely wasn't as tall but he was good looking.
"Hey Ayesha is it?" He asks. I nod. We talk back and forth for about 3 minutes before Stephen approaches me.
"Wassup." He says from behind me.
"Nothing to do with you." I say coldly.
"Continue." I say looking back at Jim. He looks at Steph then back at me.
"Oh ignore him he's just waiting." I say.
"Yeah ignore me." Steph says 'looking' at his phone. Which was turned off.
He nods and continued talking. I tried to listen but found myself trying to hold in a yawn. I was going to say bye to Jim but Steph started playing with my hair. It felt comforting, I bit back a smile. He tugged on a few strands gently. My breath hitched. He ran his finger down my back and back up again. I shivered slightly. I felt him blow on my neck. Jim was to invested in what he was saying to even notice anything. I bit my lip and I could practically feel Stephen smirking behind me.
"So you, me homecoming?" Jim says snapping me out of my daze.
"Um sure why not." I reply.
"Ok. See you in a couple weeks." He says and walks off. I turn to Stephen and slap his arm.
"Stephen." I growl.
"What." He says chuckling slightly.
"Oh you know what."
"No I really don't. Why don't you tell me." He says smirking. God that smirk is really attractive.
"You just—. Well I mean your hands—. My hair- with the—" I groan as I couldn't get the words out.
"Cat got ya tongue?" He teases.
"Oh Whatever Stephen. Don't do that again." I say.
"Tell That to the bite mark on your bottom lip." He says. My mouth falls open and my hands immediately go to my lips. I run my fingers across the swollen flesh. Jesus I didn't realise how hard I bit my lip.
"Oh fuck off. And I've come up with something for you to do." I say.
"I'm listening." He reply's.
"You have to take Mandy to homecoming." I say. Mandy was a quite girl. She was relatively good looking but very shy.
"Ooo no can do Ayesha. I already got a date." He says. I raise an eyebrow.
"You do." I say sounding more sad than intended. He's taken aback by the tone in my voice but composes himself.
"Yeah. Veronica, been tryna hit her up for a while." He says. I nod understandingly.
"Why do you look so sa-"
"I'm not. I gotta go find Jim and ask about something." I cut him off. I walk off but he grabs my arm making my face milli metres away from his.
"Be careful with Jim. He's a fuckboy." He whispers slightly.
"I know the type." I say before walking off, ignoring the fact my body was on fire and I had adrenaline coursing through me.
God he makes me into a mess..

What do y'all think about this? I'm not so sure..


See ya 😘

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