Running From The Past. Part 1.

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Thank you so much simonej23 for yet again giving me an amazing idea.🥰🥰🥰

Back story..
So when Stephen was born his parents didn't see him as a son. They saw him as a potential way toget more money. They raised him with no love whatsoever. He hated it. All he wanted was a little love and validation. Imagine a 4 year old knowing how a gun works. The only way his parents wouldn't emotionally and physically scar him was if he got a good score when pick pocketing. Once his neighbors got wind of how they were treating him, they called social services and he got put in care. He got adopted shortly after, by the curries. Having a kind, famous NBA player as a dad and a caring mother was a huge difference from being shamed every minute of every day. Little did he know he'd run into a person he wronged in the past, 8 years later. Ayesha. She was just 10 when she got jumped. She was ordered by her parents to drop of the charity money at the church but Stephen's parents caught up with her. They took the money and left her hurt in an alleyway. Stephen desperately wanted to help her but didn't because he's parents were screaming his name. She got a clear view of his face and his eyes. She moves to Charlotte 2 years after him. They went to different middle schools but when Ayesha gets transferred to his high school.... Both their senior years get turned upside down.

Ayesha pov.

"You ready!?" Sophie shouted bursting into my room. She's been my best friend since I moved to Charlotte. She's my neighbor but we've never gone to the same school. That ends today. I'm going to her high school. My only high school closed down so we were all transferred to different schools for senior year.
"Yes I am." I say turning around in my chair.
"Good, I've spent my whole school life by myself. Well except for Klay, but Now I got you." She says excitedly.
"I know. I'm so excited." I say.
"All the boys will be after you."
"As fucking if."
"Oh please. Girl you a baddie." She remarks. I laugh loudly.
"Never say that again." I say between laughs.
I was wearing a purple romper, some nude block boots and a jacket. I made sure to get my bag before I left. I got into soph's car and we drove to school.
"So lemme explain everything. There are 4 groups. Jocks, preppy, normal and fucked up. We are part of the normal, if you wanna date people, avoid jocks. They break your heart. Stick to normal or preppy." She rambled. I nodded as if I understood every word. To be honest I wasn't that bothered. All I want is to spend senior year as a calm 18 year old. No distractions, no problems. We got to school and walked in. Some people stared at me, others just ignored me. Soph showed me my locker and helped me put all my stuff in it. We went to our first lesson which thankfully we had together and the teacher introduced me by my second name instead of my first so that was embarrassing. For the first half he called me Alexander until he realised he was saying the wrong name.
As We finished I saw a couple of boys, I'm assuming the basketball team. They were walking down the hall, there was one boy who stood out to me. He had curly hear, hazel eyes and was overall good looking. Those eyes, something about them eyes rang a bell. He had a gap in his teeth. Where have I seen that gap before.
"Klay come here." Soph says. He and his two friends come.
"This is Ayesha." She says. I smile shyly.
"Ahh. The girl you were so excited about coming to this school. Hey I'm klay." He says shaking my hand.
"Boy why you actin like you don't know me." I say. He laughs. Me Soph, klay and Dray have been friends from church.
"Aight yeesh lemme introduce you to my friends."
"This is Draymond he's a fuckboy you know that, so don't go near him. And this is Stephen. He is just annoying." Klay says. I laugh lightly and shake his hand. Stephen? I've heard that name before.
"So what do think of Davidson." Draymond asks.
"Uum well it's ok I guess. I'm not really a fan of the teachers tho." I say.
"You'll get used to them in a while. All them niggas just used to the same old bored students." Stephen says. I smile.
We begin walking down the hall.
"So you new to Charlotte or just the school?" Stephen asks.
"Well I lived in Toronto until I was 11 then I moved to Charlotte. I went to a different school but that got closed down so now I'm here." I say.
"Wait you lived in Toronto?" Stephen asks. I nod.
"Where about?" He asks.
"Markham, Ontario." I say. He opens his mouth to say something but doesn't, instead he just nods. We all continue to walk down the corridor and talk until me and Soph get to our class room.
"Bye." She says kissing klay.
We walk in and sit down. I try and avoid being re introduced since some people already know me from my previous classes.
"So what do you think about Stephen?" She asks.
"He's nice." I say simply.
"Have I ever seen him at church or anything." I ask.
"No I don't think so. Why?" She reply's.
"I don't know. I feel like I've seen him before." I admit. She shrugs and starts writing the notes.
I rack my brain trying to remember where I've seen him before. Stephen, I remember someone shouting Stephen. His eyes, his teeth, his hair. Where did I se- my thought were put to a halt and a memory entered my mind. A memory that took me years to repress. When I got jumped. He was the boy. The boy who took the church money. The boy who looked me dead in the eye and walked away. The boy who practically left me for dead. The rest of the day was hazed. I was just spaced out, I haven't thought of that night in years. He grabbed the money box and his parents kicked me in the legs. How could such a little boy be so heartless. I remember the look of sorrow he gave me. It just confused me more that he left me. After a while my parents went to find me and the saw me there. In the alley with two injured legs and a fractured wrist.
Sophie invited me over to her house which was (as you know) next door. She said some people would be there from church and school. A chill ran down my spine at the thought of looking at Stephen again.
"You aight?" Soph asks as we drive to her house.
"Yeah I'm fine." I say. I wanted to ask her about Stephen but didn't just in case I had been mistaken. When we got there the boys were already sitting on the couch. I subtly examined Stephen. He definitely had a glow up. His eyes were 100% the same, as was his teeth. If I didn't already hate him, I'd say he was cute, but again if I didn't hate him.
"Yo let's go get the cooler." Dray says calling Soph and klay leaving me and Stephen. I didn't care if I got embarrassed I had to know.
"Did you live in Markham before?" I blurt. He looks at me shocked and confused.
"Why?" He says. I sigh.
"Did you or did you not jump a ten year old girl. With your parents." I question angry.
"How the fuck di-" he said but stopped when he looked in my eyes. I heard him gasp softly and his jaw hung lower.
"I-it was you?" He says.
"Yeah bitch it was me." I say.
"How did you remember me?" He asks
"Well it's kinds hard to forget the boy who left me injured in an alley." I snap.

Stephen pov.
"I'm so so sorry. I've never forgotten what I did. But you need to understand it was my parents." I say.
"Well my biological parents." I add, she tilts her head questioningly. She looked cute when she was confused.
Not the time.  I saw the others approaching.
"I'll explain everything tomorrow. Meet me behind the church. And please don't tell anyone." I say quickly. She clenches her jaw and looks away.
"So you you two gotten to know each other." Dray asks.
"Oh yeah. I've found out allot of interesting things about Stephen." Ayesha says sliding her tongue across her top teeth. I sigh. Our friends notice the tension but dismiss it and spark a conversation. Throughout the night Ayesha would glare at me. Great, a girl I probably scarred for life now thinks I'm was some psycho kid pick pocketer. I mean i couldn't blame her. But she doesn't know the half of it.
I'll tell her everything tomorrow.

Lord give me strength.

Hello. This is the newest one shot series that has been published.
What do y'all think?
Tell me in the comments!

See ya 😘

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