Irrisistable (1/2)

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One out of two parts.
Mature content...

Back story.
Ayesha and Stephen have a... complicated relationship. You see Stephen has a girlfriend. I know I know. Cheater! But it's not that simple. His girlfriend (Justine). Her parents are forcing him into this relationship. His fame brings their family benefit. His parents hate this but her dad is Stephen's coach. Ayesha and Stephen have been deeply in love for years. But didn't have the chance to be a real couple. Both their parents are vaguely aware that there is something going on between the two but sure as hell didn't know they were together. Justine is a right bitch. She knows what her dad is doing and feels no guilt. She forces Stephen to smile, to talk about things she likes and basically forcing him to love her. But that's the thing. He hates her. With all his heart. Ayesha wasn't a fan of her either.  Their guilt wasn't coming from lying, it was coming from not feeling guilty. Now what happens when Stephen just can't keep his hands of her. Will they be caught out?

Ayesha pov.
I was currently trying to pick a dress for tonight. My parents, Steph's parents and the bitch's parents were having dinner together. I already knew it would be awkward. To say the least. I finally found a black flared short dress.
"Stephen stop." I say between giggles taking the dress out of my wardrobe.
"Nope. This what you get." He says as he continues tickling me.
"What did I do?" I whine, still laughing.
"You goin get a nigga horny then just dip. Nah." He says.
"What it's not my fault, your the one who asked for help wiping spaghetti of your pants. It just so happened to have fallen on your crotch." I state. I fall onto my bed and he climbs on top of me and continues to tickle me.
"Yeah I asked you to wipe it. Not rub it in." He says. I laugh louder.
"O-o-ok I'm sorry." I say giving in.
"Good." He says. I smirk and flip us over, my knees on the bed making my core hover over his middle.
"Oh and it's not like I could do anything. Your girlfriend was there after all." I sigh tracing his abs through his shirt.
"You know I hate it when you call her that." He says.
"Well there is nothing else to call her." I say.
"A duty. Not a girlfriend." He corrects me.
"Yeah. It just annoys me that I have to see her with you." I admit.
"In 6 months, once her dad retires, it's just me and you baby girl." He says weaving his fingers into my open hair and skimming his thumb across my cheek. I lean and place a soft kiss in his lips. He lifts himself slightly with his spare hand, deepening the kiss. He removes his other hand from my hair and pushes me down so I'm straddling him. I feel a low groan come from his mouth. I buck my hips slightly causing his breath to hitch. I start lightly grinding on him, moaning as I do so.
"Fuck" he groans as I push myself harder onto him.
My hands slide down his torso to the bottom of his shirt. I lift it slightly before my door bursts open. I quickly jump off Stephen.
"Oh my fucking god. You scared me." I say. Sydel has just walked in.
"If y'all wanna do the dirty. Lock the damn door." She says.
Sydel found out about us 8 months into our relationship. He'd 'been with' Justine for about 8 and a half. He was miserable, the day he was forced into this relationship was the day he was gonna ask me to be with him. He eventually told me and we've been together ever since. That was 1 and a half years ago.
One day we were kissing at his house and Sydel walked in. She screamed like she just saw a murder happen. We explained how his and Justine's 'relationship' was fake and me and him were together. To say she was exhilarated would be an understatement. She also hated her.
Stephen pov.
"Why you in my house again?" Ish says running her fingers through her hair.
"Well I was meant to come and pick a dress for tonight." She says.
"Can't you come in like an hour." I groan slinging my legs of the bed so I'm sitting up.
"No. Dinner is in 2 hours and Justine's family will be coming." She says. I groan louder.
"Dinner is at your house right?" Ayesha asks me.
"Yeah." I reply. She walks over to me, standing between my legs.
"Can I stay over." She whispers making her lips brush against mine.
"Depends. What do I get in return." I say smirking moving my face closer.
"Ew. Cmon Bro you gotta go. They'll be at your house in a bit." She says rushing out of Ayesha's wardrobe.
"Ugh Fine." I say getting up. I peck ish on the lips before heading to the door,
"Bye Baby." Ayesha says.
"Bye ishiboo. Love you." I say opening the door.
"Love you." She says back.
I make my way downstairs grabbing my keys on the way out. I see Ayesha's parent's car approaching.
"Shit." I mumble as they walk to me.
"Stephen. Hi. What are you doing here." Her mum chirps.
"Oh I just dropped Of Sydel." I lie.
"Did you just come from seeing Justine?" Her dad asks. I furrow my eyebrows.
"Huh?" I question.
"You seem to have little bit of lip stick on your lips." He says. Fuck!
"Oh Sydel forced me to wear some chapstick." I say wiping my lips. They laugh lightly.
"I best be going."I say awkwardly. They say bye and we part ways. God that was close.
I drive back home dreading tonight. I see Justine every other day for like an hour. We normally go to a public place so people can see her with me. I always make us go out with friends so Ayesha and Sydel can come. Dray and Klay are suspicious as to why I'm happy. They know about my forced relationship but not about Ayesha. It's hard keeping it a secret. We are pretty used to it now though. It's been almost 2 years since we started dating. I loved her way before that since we were friends before.
I go into my house hearing a ding. It was my phone. Ayesha had sent a picture of a house. We were planning on buying one after all this shit is over and we are now looking. We text for a bit, about houses, furniture and her looking forward to tonight. I resist the urge to cancel tonight and just spend the night with her right now. But knowing she is sexually frustrated just makes it more fun for me.

Ayesha pov.

I put on my dress and straighten it out looking in the mirror. I apply some light makeup and spray Steph's favourite perfume.
"Spraying my brother's favourite perfume are we." Sydel teases whilst putting an earring in.
"Oh shut up." I say.
"Damn. Bitch is horny huh?" She says. I laugh.
"Come on let's go." I say grabbing my clutch. We walk out a drive to Steph's. My parents car was already in the drive way. We walk in and are greeted with 8 pairs staring eyes. Justine and her parents were there. Steph and his parents. And mine. Stephen immediately smiles when he sees me. He looks me up and down which will always make me blush.
"Ayesha come. Sit." Sonya says sweetly. I sit on the left of Stephen. Justine is on his right. Opposite me was Sydel and she was sitting next to Dell. Our parents get deep into conversation.
"Hi Ayesha." Justine says.
"Hi" I reply dryly.
"So. You got a boyfriend yet." She says. God if she only knew. Sydel snickers under her breath. I kick her under the table.
"No actually. I'm focusing on my career. You know cos I have one." I say. Stephen sucks in a breath looking down at his plate.
"Are you gonna let her talk to me like that." She asks. Stephen's doesn't acknowledge that she was talkin to him.
"Oh me." He says looking up. She gives him a 'duh' look.
"Oh yeah. I'm sure she'll get punished soon enough." He says with a slight smirk.
"She sure will." Justine adds. I let out a large breath trying not to laugh.
"Y'all let's just eat." Sydel says. We eat for a good 20 minutes, conversing now and then. Sonya replaced out plates with dessert. I took my glass, sipping my water when Stephen places his hand on my thigh. I feel myself instantly get wet. I slightly choke on my water which causes him to smirk.
He started moving his hand up slowly. My mind could no longer think straight. All I could think about was his hand on my thigh. My breath hitches as he reaches my core.
"Stephen how do you like the cake?" Justine's mum asks.
"Oh it's delicious. Although I think the icing is a little to.... wet." He says, making direct eye contact with me at his last word. My face flushed. He began tracing over my under wear, rubbing me slightly. I bite my lip, trying not to make a sound.
"You ok Ayesha. You seem a bit flustered." Stephen asks slyly as he pushes my underwear to a side.
"Mmm hmm." I manage to squeak out. He slides a finger in me making me drop my fork.
"Oops." I say picking it up from beside my plate.
"So Ayesha Tell me about your career." Justine's father asks. Now you ask? Stephen chuckles lowly as he knows I can barely function when he is working wonders on me.
"O-oh well I studied c-culinary in college and p-passed with flying colours. S-so now I'm working at a r-restaurant." I say all in one breath. Stephen speeds up his pace slightly. I involuntarily bucked my hips making him smirk harder.
"So what are you a waitress." Justine asks. I completely block her out as I'm not even concentrating on anything else.
"Huh?" I say. She repeats her question.
"Actually i-I'm head chef." I breath out. I let out a quite moan. He increases his speed once again. My eye subtly roll to the back of my head. Just then he removes his hand. I small whimper escapes my lips. He subtly sucks his fingers,
"Head chef?" She questions. I nod.
"Yeah she tastes amazing." Stephen says. I kick him hard under the table.
"Her food that is." He adds. I see Sydel cringe.
"What else would it be?" Justine asks.
"Nothing. Stephen is just being stupid. He will have to go straight to sleep after dinner." I say.
"Oh really?" He asks.
"Yup. No staying up for you." I say with a hinting under tone.
"Doubt it." He mumbles.

He was right. All I wanted. All I needed was him.
God he is so annoying.

Eeeeeee. Don't come at me cos of my pathetic 'mature scene'. I just wanted to incorporate it somehow..


See ya 😘.

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