Running from the past: 2

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💓 simonej23

Ayesha pov.

After I found out for definite it was Stephen who jumped me, I couldn't sleep. All I could think about was what if I made him angry. Would he hurt me? He looked so kind and loving, heck he was even hot. But I saw through that the minute I realised it was him. I tossed and turned until eventually I fell asleep. I was awoken a couple of hours later. Me and Stephen were meeting behind the church in an hour.  I showered, brushed my teeth and combed my hair.
Just the thought of his parents made me sick to my stomach. I said to Sophie to pick me up from the Church. She didn't question it she just agreed. I made my way there, I saw Stephen pacing up and down the alley near the bench. As soon as his eyes locked on mine. My legs almost gave way. I don't know if it was because of the memory's he was bringing back or just cos his eyes are extremely pretty. I snap out of it and walk towards him.
"You've got 5 minutes." I huff.
"Ok well you see. My biological parents they were low key the worst." He starts.
"So you don't live with them anymore?" I question. He shakes his head sitting on the bench.
"They treated me so badly my neighbours called the social. I got adopted almost immediately by my now mum and dad. And in my eyes they aren't my 'fake' parents. They are as real as they come. But the other two people who did the nasty and made me. Yeah they are a bunch of fuckers." He says. I try hard not to feel bad for him but it's literally impossible. I sit on the bench next to him.
"Ayesha I promise you I wanted to help you. I felt awful. My- well the two fuckers beat me when they saw me looking back at you." He says.
"No." I breathed sadly. I didn't really mean to say that out loud.
"It's ok though. Just a day later I got put into care. I spent that whole day calling every hospital in our area to see if a short, pretty light skin girl had checked in but there's only so much information they can give an 11 year old." He says scratching his head. I giggle lightly.
Gurl you did not just giggle!? You snort not giggle!
"So what happened to your— well the two fuckers." I ask.
"They got put into prison. As far as I'm aware they are still there. Can I ask you? What exactly did they do to you?" He questions. I hesitated.
"Well I fractured my wrist so I couldn't use that for a while and both my legs were bruised from inside and out which prevented me from walking for a couple of weeks." I say remembering each injury vividly. He ran his hand across his face.
"Ayesha I'm so so sorry, you don't understand how much I want to go back." He says.
"Does anyone know? About everything?" I ask.
"No. And please do not tell them. Ion wanna have that shit with my parents out to everyone." He pleads.
"Fine." I groan. He smiles.
"But just tell me one thing. Did you enjoy anything you did... with your parents." I ask. I had to know if he really didn't want to hurt me.
"Fuck no. All I wanted was a little validation. It broke me knowing I'd hurt people." He said sincerely. Something about him made it so easy to believe him.
"Ok. I will keep your secret. But on god, nigga if you ever do any of that shit again. You won't live to see prom." I say. He laughs lightly
"Thank you. So much. I will do anything to repay. Whatever, whenever." He says. Just then I got a text from Soph saying she's running late.
"Well you can start by giving me a lift to school. Please." I say. I couldn't help but be polite about it.
"Done." He says. We walk back to his car which was in the car park.
"Am I forgiven?" He asks. The audacity.
"As fucking if. No. I won't make your life miserable but trust me you are far from being forgiven. I still hate you. Just now i understand. But trust me, the hate still there." I say. He chuckles.
"Aight. Fair enough. Would her majesty like to step into my car" he said teasingly. I look at his car. Wow.
"This is a nice ass car" I say in awe as I get in.
"Yeah well I mean my dad was an NBA player" he says.
"Dell curry?" I ask
"Yeah how'd you know".
"Stephen Curry. Dell curry. Kinda a given". I say. He shrugs.
Once we're on the rode my eyes wander to his hands around the steering wheel. His hands gripping onto it and veins running up his arms. His watch oddly made it more attractive than it should be. I think I just realised just how hot he actually was. But I still don't like him.
Stephen pov.
I watched as she shifted uncomfortably after staring at something. I'd be lying if I said I wasn't purposely flexing my arms.
I just wanted to see how she'd react. And clearly she noticed but was very subtle about it.
"Whatcha looking at" I say teasingly. Her eyes snap up to mine.
"Nothing, just thinking about how much I despise you." She says.
"Nahh you deadass drooling." I remark. She gasps and slaps my arm lightly.
"You hit like a girl"
"News flash bitch. I am a girl." She says laughing lightly.
"Touché." I say.
We talk all the way to school, I was surprised about how much she knew about basketball, it was refreshing talking to a girl who is actually interested and doesn't wanna get into your pants. Even though she made her distaste for me incredibly clear.
"How did you know klay and Dray already?" I ask.
"Oh they come to my church. I haven't been going as regularly but they are always there when I go." She explains.
"Them! At church. Wow. They are only there to gawk at the girls. I go to one across from there." I say back.
We arrive at the School parking lot and I get into a parking space. I put my arm behind her seat and look through the window whilst reversing. My face was closer to her. I notice her turn her head away, her eyes were wider. And she closed her legs. I tried my best not to smirk.
Once I successfully got a space Ayesha was quick to leave.
"Bye Ayesha." I say before she closes the door.
"Bye Curry." She says before closing it and walking away. My eyes drawled from her her slick hair to her back to her...
I shook my head, can't be caught staring. I sighed and made my to the entrance.
This girl is something else.

The Curry Couple.  (Stephen Curry and Ayesha curry one shots)Där berättelser lever. Upptäck nu