Chapter 7

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"Does everyone know what they should do?" Nightmare asked his team once more, glancing at each of them to make sure they understood.

It'd already been a week and they've mostly been relaxing at their base since they had a lot of supplies from the last raid, and there's been quite a lot of negativity in some AUs so they didn't need to go out and attack yet. Only Error really needed to leave but it didn't take him as long as it usually would to do his job. He was actually able to get slightly ahead of schedule and it gave him the opportunity to take a nice long break. The other Dream hadn't made his presence known in a while so that was a cause for both relief and concern. They still didn't know anything about him. How he thinks, his motivations, weaknesses, nothing. Only bits from Nightmares encounter with him but it wasn't exactly much to go by. So they let it be for the time being.

Right now they were reviewing the plan that they had made in order to attack another AU. While Ink has been inactive in his creating, there were still AUs that were growing close to each other and they needed to deal with it.

Their plan was simple; Nightmare would cause some havoc first in one of the more secluded spots in order to lure the Star Sanses to him while the others quickly kill monsters in the more populated areas. It wasn't too complex but it'll hopefully get the job done for now.

Nightmare opened a portal to SwapFell 91 and gestured for the others to go through first. One by one they went to the other side until Nightmare was the only one left. He got to the AU and immediately closed the portal behind him.

The others were hiding close by in case the plan didn't work exactly right. They nodded and Nightmare headed towards the Ruins.


In the Star Sanses base Ink, Blue, and Dream were currently making some lunch. Blue was setting the table while the other two made sure the soup didn't go wrong, Dream specifically. As much as Ink was an artist, he was definitely no cook. Last time he tried making soup he ended up burning it somehow and it caused a lot of damage, so no one left him alone in the kitchen anymore. So far nothing went wrong with Dream monitoring Inks progress.

"Wow Ink, I think we might actually survive this without you setting something on fire." Dream said cheerfully and got an eye roll from Ink.

"Haha Dream, it was just one time you know."

"And we don't want that happening ever again!" Blue yelled from the dining room, making Ink pout and Dream laugh before he suddenly stopped.

"It's Nightmare, he's attacking an AU."

Ink instantly reach for his brush and splashed paint onto the floor. Blue ran in and the three of them went through, arriving in the SwapFell AU.

"Where is he?" Ink asked, looking around for any sign of them.

"I can sense negativity coming from the Ruins." Dream answered and they started running in that direction. They indeed found Nightmare killing the monsters that lived there, however just as they were about to call out to him a strange portal opened up, one that somehow had the same aura as Dreams. From the portal came another surprise in the form of a winged skeleton that had a halo, holding some resemblance to the positive guardian. All three of them were confused. Who the hell was he?

"Should we attack?" Ink whispered, still wondering who the strange skeleton was.

"Wait, let's see what they do first." Dream replied quietly.

He recognized this aura if not for its intensity. He thought that it had been just a fluke those few weeks ago but now that may not be the case. Whoever this guy was, he was now the most likely suspect in Dreams opinion. That's not exactly saying much though since that list was small. It also looked like Nightmare knew who this was. It's probably best that they observe and determine if he was a threat or not.

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