Chapter 1

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Ink and Dream had just been talking in the Doodle Sphere, a bit tense and tired after some recent attacks by Nightmare and his team. A lot of AUs had been lost and though they tried to save them they couldn't get to all of them in time. The monsters that didn't have an AU to live in anymore were brought to the Omega Timeline. It saddened both of them to see just how many have lost their homes. They wanted the cycle to end. So currently they were making up plans on how to beat Nightmares team and get them to stop destroying, perhaps even get them to join their side to defeat Error though it was very unlikely to happen. Well, Ink was talking while Dream was trying to listen, but there was something else on his mind. Something odd has been going on.

Lately he's been feeling sudden increases in positivity at random moments, giving him more power but also weakening his brother. It was throwing off the balance so he's been less actively trying to spread positivity in the Multiverse to try and help counter it. He knew his brother wasn't doing it. Why would he? Positivity weakens him, if anything it'd be the negativity that he would try to strengthen. Besides only Dream can, possibly, do that but he doesn't have enough strength or magic for the increases to be as strong as he felt them to be. So what or who was causing this if it wasn't Dream himself?

"-eam, Dream. Multiverse to Dream, you with me there bud?"

The hand being waved in front of him snapped him out of his trance and he looked up to find Inks confused face staring at him. The smaller skeleton flushed in embarrassment. Had Ink noticed that he wasn't listening?

"You okay there, Dream? I've been asking you if you agreed and you just kept staring at your hands. You weren't listening were you?"

"I- uh, I-" Dream stuttered out as his companion started laughing, which only served to fluster him more.

"Sorry about that Ink, I w-was just, um-"

Ink cut him off with nonchalant wave of his hand, still chuckling a bit as he looked back at his friend.

"It's fine, I haven't actually come up with any new ideas anyway. Plus it seems like you were thinking of something really important if it got you to zone out like that."

Dream chuckle slightly at that, scratching the back of his skull. He was glad that Ink understood though he still felt a bit embarrassed.

"So what were you thinking of?"

"Well-" he paused. Should he tell Ink? He could help in figuring out what was going on, but he had a lot on his plate right now. Both Error and Nightmares team had been attacking a lot more lately- possibly because of the sudden positivity- and it's really getting to Ink. He's getting a lot more stressed and twitchy, so he probably shouldn't add to that right now. His friend needs some time to relax. Who knows, it might just stop eventually so there may not be a need to tell him at all.

"... I'll talk about it another time. Why don't we go get some nice cream with Blue?"

"But we need to be prepared in case Error and Nightmare attack again!"

"It hasn't been that long since their last attack, and from how they do things, they won't be attacking again for a while. Besides you may be the protector but even you need a break every now and then."

Dream could see Ink hesitating slightly, seeming to think over what he said. After a while his friend sighed and nodded as he got up to open a portal heading to UnderSwap. A small smile was on the brown clad skeletons face as he gazed at the AU then back at his positive companion, chuckling slightly as he offered his hand. Dream accepted it and got up, but he didn't let go of Inks hand and happily dragged him through.

"Fine, but if something bad happens I get three nice creams next time."

"Sure, now let's go!"


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