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The sounds of fighting could be heard as two beings clashed with each other. The land showing the tell tale signs of a battle taking place. If one were to look beyond the fallen trees and towards the vast fields, they would see two skeletons charging at each other.

The first skeleton wore black clothing underneath the dark blue coat, a crown with a crescent moon adorning the top of his head and a cerulean blade in his hand. He had a tired yet determined look on his face as he blocked an attack using said blade, his purple eyelights focused on his foe.

The second one wore lighter colours- mostly consisting of orange and gold- with a halo above his skull and had in his hands two blue daggers that were shaped like bolts linked together by a chain. One golden eye and one red eye stared back at the first skeleton, face in a twisted grin. He pushed against the other, adding to his strength by flapping his majestic golden wings. Those who would see him would be enamored by the sight and think of him as some sort of angel.

Too bad most of the creatures living here were already dead.

As majestic as the second skeleton looked, he was very very dangerous. This skeleton was a being that held a positive aura. To most that would seem fine, but it was a very bad thing in this situation. His aura is so strong, so intense that rather than just being blinded by it, it instead kills other beings that get too close. The only reason his opponent hasn't died is because his was his opposite and that they were brothers.

He was the counterbalance to the positive aura that the other held. He had a negative aura, though not as strong as the others, is enough to stand against it. Of course his brother claims to still love him, so he would often lessen the positivity to make sure his brother wouldn't accidentally die because of it. As bad as the positive being was, he still cares for his other half. No amount of insanity could ever make him kill the other.

"Now brother, why don't you just make this easier for both of us and surrender~?" The one with wings said, still pushing against his brothers blade.

"I don't think so Dream." The darker skeleton replied before pushing his brother, now known as Dream, back and jumping a bit away.

Dream just floated down onto the ground and chuckled at his brothers persistence. Oh why did he have to do this the hard way? No matter, it just makes things more interesting.

"Are you sure? I'm willing to give you another chance to accept defeat Nightmare~" Dream cooed, a skeletal hand covering his mouth as he grinned.

"You already know my answer." The other, named Nightmare, replied blankly.

Tightly gripping his blade he rushed towards Dream in a zigzag pattern. His brother eyed him as he disappeared from view before appearing seconds later to the others right. The positive being was quick to block the sword that came his way but was hit by the kick that came after it. Nightmare planted the blade onto the ground, gripped the hand with both hands to swing himself around, and proceeded to try kicking his brother with his other foot. This time Dream was able to block with one of his bolt shaped daggers while his other hand reached out and grabbed the opposing limb. He could hear the darker grunt as he was roughly thrown towards the trees not far from them. Dream flapped his wings, sending dust flying into the air, and flew to where the other had last landed to find it vacant.

"I know you're around here brother~" he called out while surveying the area "Playing hide and seek won't work for long you know, besides I've always won that game~"

From a few trees away, Nightmare was carefully glancing at his brothers back. The moment he landed he immediately ran from that spot and hid just before his older brother got there. To make it a bit harder to find him he temporarily deactivated his negative aura. It won't last long but it'll give him some time at least.

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