Chapter 33

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THE day had finally arrived. Tomorrow was her twentieth.

Asmeen reached the field early with Wylla, feeling so sick that she thought she might just faint. Wouldn't that be something? She knew what she had to do, but this would be, probably, the hardest day of her life.

"Good luck," Wylla whispered. Even her tanned skin looked pale for once. She looked like she was about to be sick, too. Elyn had stayed behind at the house, saying that she had some work to do and would arrive a bit later.

As the other trainees filed in, including Elyn, for once, the field was completely silent. No conversations, no whispers, no laughing—nothing more than an occasional, 'Good luck.' There were already cauldrons spread out, so she sat down in front of one.

Asmeen hated it. When Aven came and sat beside her, he didn't look at her even once. Her stomach twisted, but they'd both see what would happen by the end of the day.

The leaders walked in, both smiling. Asmeen wished they wouldn't look so happy, even though they were clearly trying to cheer the trainees up.

"The day is finally here," Osoric said.

When they got no response, Dara said, "What a change today. You look so dull. All of you, don't worry at all. Whatever happens today, you are some of the most accomplished young adults we have ever known. Be proud of yourself, for making it this far I incredibly difficult."

Osoric nodded beside her, still smiling. "But do try your best. I don't want to see any of you injure yourselves."

"Should we start?" Dara asked.

They stood up, Aven still not looking at her. Asmeen could barely breathe. There wasn't really anything running through her mind, except that she had to do this. She had to get through this day.

They'd have to make two potions, the instructions given in difficult runes. While it was bad, it definitely wouldn't be the worst thing of the day. The potions were difficult, and the runes were nearly unreadable, but she and Aven managed it. He was terribly cold with her, but they weren't fighting. It was like an unspoken agreement. There was to be no fighting today.

They were expected to finish their potions by their afternoon break. Asmeen and Aven finished right before time. As soon as break was announced, Aven walked away from her, and Asmeen joined her sisters to eat quickly.

"Everything going alright?" Elyn asked quietly, between bites.

Asmeen nodded. So did Wylla.

"Good. Now all you have to do is try your best," Elyn said firmly. "Good luck."

"Good luck," Asmeen murmured back. They remained silent for the rest of the meal. She only ate lightly, because they'd have a strength challenge next, most likely. Really, she mostly ate fruits and some rice.

She rejoined Aven, who was still ignoring her. Well, hopefully that wouldn't continue for too long.

The next task was a surprise. An essay, instead of the strength challenge they'd all be expecting, completely in runes. It was individual, so she couldn't rely on Aven for handwriting anymore.

It had become dark by the time they were ordered to stop. Asmeen sighed and put hers down. She'd written as much as she knew. When would the leaders have time to grade it, though?

The answer came moments later when the parchments were collected and handed to the leaders. They'd read it, and test the potions, while the trainees did the strength task. And depending on that, presumably, they would make the final decision on whether the successful partner would be allowed to get in.

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