Chapter 32

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BOTH of them turned in horror to Dara, standing at the front of the field.

Osoric spoke next. "Please do not write anything now. Your parchment and the potions will be collected."

Aven glared at her, setting the parchment down pointedly. Both of them were too noble to cheat, it seemed. Asmeen gave him an equally hard look. Now who knew what their observations of the last potion would be considered as.

As soon as the parchment was collected and the leaders left, Aven stood up and began storming out. Asmeen stood up and strode off right behind him. She waited until they'd left the field to begin yelling, though.

"Aven, what was that?" She said, throwing her hands up.

He whirled to her. She could see that his face was red, despite the darkness. "What was that? You messed up the potion!"

Asmeen gaped at him. "I did not! You didn't listen to me, and now we're probably going to fail that last one." Her heart was thudding. She could practically feel the blood pulsing at her neck. It was the second-last day, and they'd messed up so terribly.

"I was right!" Aven shot back, loud enough that anyone passing by would be able to hear. "But you can't stand the fact that you might be wrong, right?"

"That is not true—"

"Of course it is! Oh, because Asmeen Dasterian has been working so hard for five years—all of us have, by the way! And at least we're doing it because we want to!"

"What does that mean? I want to!" Asmeen exclaimed, her anger increasing.

"Liar," Aven sneered. "You want it? Or your father wants it? I've been watching you for months. You don't actually want to become a Flower Child, but you won't let me, who actually wants to get in for me, win!"

"What are you talking about!" Asmeen said, taking a step forward. "This is nonsense—you have no idea what you're talking about!"

"Right, and you're not doing this so that you can uphold your mother's memory? You're not doing this to not disappoint your father—who, by the way, didn't visit you once in the infirmary!"

"That is none of your business," Asmeen fired back. "My family matters are personal. And we'll see who wants to get in more tomorrow."

Aven shook his head at her, something like disgust coloring his face. Asmeen felt like he'd hit her on seeing that expression. "You're wasting your talents for something you don't even love. And I think it's ridiculous. I think you're disappointing."

Asmeen inhaled sharply.

Aven gave her a final, harsh look before turning around and walking away.

She only stood there, even as he disappeared from sight. She could feel tears coming up already. Was that what Aven really thought of her?

She sniffed harshly, wiping at her eyes. Whatever he thought, he'd just have to deal with it. Tomorrow, she'd get in and he wouldn't, and let him be all superior about his passion then.

She turned around and began walking back. She could see two people walking out of the trees, and stopped when she recognized them.

Dara and Osoric.

They stopped when they saw her as well, and Dara glanced at Osoric before making her way to Asmeen alone. "Hello, Asmeen," Dara said kindly. "Is something wrong?"

Asmeen swallowed. "I have a question, Dara." She waited for Dara to nod before asking, "Can both partners make it in?"

Understanding swam over Dara's face and she gave Asmeen a gentle smile. "It has happened. But I suggest you don't bank on that. Work for it instead."

Asmeen bit her lip. "Right. It's just—"

"I get it," Dara said, seeming impossibly wise. "It's difficult to want to defeat your partner, who most of the time becomes your friend. But life is full of difficult decisions, especially in the Flower Children, and this will teach you to handle these decisions." She gave Asmeen another smile. "Good luck, Asmeen."

Then she turned and walked away with Osoric, leaving Asmeen standing there.

Asmeen looked around. She was in an unfamiliar part of town, alone. She shivered and walked back through the forest, avoiding the field, and all the way to her house alone. Where were her sisters?

As soon as she reached the door, it opened before she could even knock. The twins were waiting.

"Where were you?" Wylla hissed, ushering her inside.

Elyn closed the door and turned to them. "Not now. Upstairs."

Asmeen followed them upstairs and sat on the bed. Wylla turned to her immediately while Elyn closed the door.

"What were you doing?" Wylla asked. "Do you have any idea how worried we were? We've been watching through the window for so long!"

Asmeen swallowed. "I'm sorry. I—I had a fight with Aven."

"We could tell," Elyn said drily. Then her expression softened somewhat. "Are you okay?"

Asmeen shrugged. Aven's words were still ringing in her ears. "I don't know. I don't really know what to think."

"Go to bed, then," Wylla decided. "We have a big day tomorrow. It's important to rest."

Asmeen nodded and changed quickly, climbing into bed. Even after Wylla snuffed out the candle and they joined her in bed, silence falling over them, she didn't sleep.

Aven's words kept running through her head. Did he really think he she was just doing this for her father? After so long of trying.

Was she just doing this for her father?

Of course not. It had taken her so much hard work—she'd done it for herself, right?

Asmeen wasn't able to sleep as she went over everything—from when her mother died, to when she started training for the Flower Children, to now. Was it for her father, or was it for her?

Did she want to be a Flower Child?

Did she want to be a Flower Child?

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