Chapter 26

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THE next day, the three of them managed to escape the house before their fathers had even gotten out of bed. For this, they'd had to get out of bed even earlier than usual, but Asmeen found that, in the long run, it was worth it.

She knew she wouldn't be able to look her father in the eye that morning—it would probably be a long, long time until things were alright. At least, if she made it through training and got chosen, he couldn't possibly be angry at her any longer. But for that to happen...

As if on cue, just as she was thinking that, Aven walked into the field. He made eye contact and smiled, walked towards her, and Asmeen's stomach twisted. This wouldn't end well either way.

Dara and Osoric soon arrived, and announced the next grueling task, a hellish nightmare of potions and runes combined, so Asmeen's head was hurting horribly when she walked out of the field with Aven and the twins. Aven, it seemed, was visiting Nyma for a get-together, so he was headed in the same direction as them. It was some sort of celebration in their friend group.

When she'd barely left, she was stopped by a woman, looking vaguely familiar. She only blinked at them, exchanging a confused glance with Aven.

Wylla, obviously, stepped forward and put on a charming smile despite her clear exhaustion. "Hello, Aira. Can we help you?" Then she turned to rest of them. "She's a Flower Child. We saw her at the ball."

The woman, Aira, nodded and turned her eyes to Asmeen. "Yes. You are Asmeen Dasterian, yes?" Once Asmeen nodded, she continued. "You were the one that made Nara Silven's gown?"

"I am," Asmeen said simply, not particularly wanting to think about it.

"It was beautiful," Aira said. "We are all highly impressed."

Asmeen pressed her lips together. Where was this going?

"We wanted to ask you to make new gowns and suits for the Flower Children, for upcoming events, as our current ones are getting quite old."

"What?" Asmeen asked, completely confused.

"It's for the Spring Solstice," Elyn said suddenly. "All the Flower Children wear matching clothes. You need new ones," she said, looking at Aira.

Asmeen knew, of course, that during the Spring Solstice all the Flower Children wore gowns of pastels, mostly yellow and pink. She'd long been a fan of those outfits. She wouldn't admit it to anyone, but she'd even tried to copy them once, years ago. It hadn't ended well.

"But Spring Solstice is months away," Asmeen said finally, looking up the Flower Child.

Aira nodded. "Exactly. Obviously, we would not make you do such a task while training. After your training is over, whether or not you are selected, we would be very pleased to have you make the gowns for us, if you are able and willing."

"I—" Asmeen swallowed, glancing at the twins. After what had just happened, how could she even think about accepting this offer?

Elyn stepped in. "Please forgive us, we're a bit busy right now, and none of us are thinking clearly. Will it be alright if she answers you later?"

"Of course!" Aira answered. "In fact, you can answer me after your training. Once it's over, all you have to do is decide whether you'll be able to do such a large task and let me know."

"I will," Asmeen said, nodding. She could do that much, at least. Refusing at once would seem a bit rude, wouldn't it?

Aira smiled at them. "Thank you. I'll be on my way now. Good luck!" She headed in a different direction.

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