Chapter 10

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THANKFULLY, the next day it was an individual exercise. Asmeen still had had to sit next to Aven, but she'd ignored him the entire time. Except for a few whispered insults that she was sure Elyn had noticed.

They'd had to write in runes, the ancient language that was still used in worship. Asmeen's head was pounding. Even after Dara and Osoric's plentiful warnings...well, things were indeed getting difficult, and only on the fourth day. Runes were notoriously tricky, both to remember and to use.

She knew she'd made at least a few mistakes. But, at least, so had Aven, given what she'd seen by sneaking glances at his work. At this point, they were both openly competing with each other. Not that she'd ever attempt to sabotage his work, and she was pretty sure he wouldn't either—because whatever else he was, she could tell Aven wasn't a cheat. Still, it was obvious he desperately wanted to get in.

She'd escaped the field as early as she could—before Aven—and was waiting for Wylla. Elyn was waiting beside her. Asmeen couldn't help glancing at Aven sometimes. He seemed frustrated, writing faster than Asmeen had seen him do, his lips pouted in a definite frown.

Aven ended up finishing at about the same time as Wylla and walked out at a great distance from the three of them. Today, apparently, Nara couldn't meet them out, which meant she'd head straight home.

"It was difficult, wasn't it?" Wylla said. She let out a breath, her cheeks puffing out. "And it's only the fourth day."

Elyn shrugged. "Well, they did warn us. This is why I tell you to study."

"I didn't really go over runes that much yesterday," Asmeen admitted. "I figured we'd be doing them much later."

"You can never be too careful," Elyn said. That seemed to be her life's motto.

"Asmeen Dasterian!"

Asmeen stopped, turning. Someone had called her name.

Finally, she spotted a tall girl walking towards her briskly, with...Aven beside her? She blinked.

The woman reached her, Aven at her side with crossed arms. He was looking resolutely away, so she ignored him as well.

"You are Asmeen Dasterian?"

Asmeen nodded. "That is I. And you are?"

"Alda Verena. I'm Nyma's friend," she said. "You know him already," Alda said, glancing at Aven, who was glaring at the ground.

"Yes," Asmeen said slowly. What was this about?

"Well," Alda said, "I've been watching you make things for Nyma for years now. Scarves, skirts, blouses—I just saw the new scarf you made her, and I wanted to ask if you could make one for me?" Her eyebrows were raised, but there was no demand in her voice.

Asmeen hesitated, glancing at her sisters. "I—I'm not—"

"I'll pay you, of course," Alda said, as if that had been obvious.

Asmeen blinked. "What?"

Alda nodded. "I'll pay for the material, and five gold coins for the scarf and your time." She gave Asmeen a smile. "I'm sorry for being so sudden, but the scarf you made Nyma really was beautiful, and of course I wouldn't need it immediately."

Asmeen bit her lip, looking at her sisters again.

"She'll do it," Wylla said, stepping forward. She ignored Asmeen's gaping. "Is there a specific pattern you want?"

Alda grinned. "I would like to discuss that with you," she said, looking at Asmeen.

"Well," Asmeen said, giving Wylla a stare. "Now that the decision is made, yes, we should probably discuss it." She pursed her lips. "Do you have time now?"

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