Chapter 18

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THE next day when they woke up, Azol was feeling much better, according to him. He spent the day in bed, and Wylla gave him breakfast. Honestly, the three of them were just waiting for their father to come back, at this point.

They ate a quick breakfast and did the chopping and other preparations for the evening's meal before leaving. It had rained again in the night, probably, because the wind was cool and the grass was still wet. Elyn had forced her own, thick woolen shawl onto Asmeen's shoulders.

In spite of having to make breakfast and do the quick morning chores, they reached the field a bit early, when hardly any other trainees had gathered.

Aven took his place beside her when he came, and the field soon filled up, Dara and Osoric arriving right on time. As it turned out, luck was on their side, because the Flower Children and the Children of the Night were separated for the day, to go over their own rituals. So that was another day they wouldn't fight.

The Flower Children trainees went over most of the rituals, both common and uncommon, on one corner of the field with Dara. It took about as long as Asmeen would have expected—all day. Well, at least if she didn't get in, she'd have this experience.

When they finished for the day, Dara and Osoric told them to wait while they made an announcement. Asmeen stayed where she was with the rest of the Flower Children trainees while she listened.

"You might know already," Dara said, "But in three weeks there will be a blood moon."

A series of whispers sprouted across the field despite Dara and Osoric watching them. Asmeen glanced around—she hadn't known about the blood moon. Who had?

"On every blood moon, we hold a ball," Osoric said, his voice automatically quieting the trainees. "For both the Flower Children and the Children of the Night. And the trainees."

She'd known this, at least.

"This year, you are all invited. You may bring one extra guest, if you so wish. The details will be explained to you a week before," Dara continued.

"We expect you all to be on your best behavior," Osoric warned. "While the ball is primarily a celebration, and, as such, you should all enjoy yourselves, any misbehavior will not be tolerated."

"All that aside," Dara said, kind but still serious, "We want you all to have fun. Mingle with the existing Flower Children and Children of the Night, understand what our lifestyle is like, and most of all relax. We know how demanding training is, so this take this as a chance to let loose. But still behave with the utmost propriety."

"That's all. You're free to go home," Osoric said, and the two leaders walked away together.

As soon as they left, the entire field erupted into conversation, different from the day before, when everyone had left as quickly as they could.

"A ball! "Wylla said, sidling up to Asmeen. "How lovely." Asmeen could practically see her already dreaming about it. "What do you think, El?" She asked her twin, who was standing on her other side.

Elyn shrugged. "It sounds nice, I suppose."

"Asmeen," Wylla said, already in a pleading tone.

Asmeen gave her an unimpressed look. "What is it?"

"Will you make our gowns for the ball?" Wylla asked, her eyes wide. At this, even Elyn looked up.

Asmeen blinked at her. "Wylla, don't you already have—"

"We don't have that many fancy gowns. And you make such beautiful clothes. Please?" Wylla asked, clasping her hands together.

Asmeen sighed. "Wylla, I hardly have the time. With training, we spend our entire days here, and then on top of that we have to study, how will I do it?"

Wylla bit her lip. "We have three weeks. You don't have to do it all in a day, you can take her time. Just try it out, please? If it doesn't work out, that's fine. We'll use what we already have."

Asmeen threw Elyn a look, expecting her to be on Asmeen's side, but Elyn only shrugged. "It's up to you. If you don't have enough time, then don't."

Asmeen turned back to Wylla. "I'll try. But no promises."

"Of course not!" Wylla said, her eyes lighting up again. "There's absolutely no pressure."

"We should go home," Elyn said, looking around. Asmeen did as well, and noticed that they were the last trainees left on the field, which was looking almost scary in the darkness.

They quickly set off again. Nara wasn't waiting, and Asmeen hadn't expected her to be, especially since training was ending so late nowadays.

It wouldn't be particularly hard to make clothes for the twins and herself, given that she'd already made plenty before, and she had their measurements memorized. She knew their individual styles anyways, and Elyn said she'd get the money and buy more material if Asmeen needed it.

When they reached their house, just as Elyn was about to unlock the door, Azol opened it.

"Papa!" Wylla said. "What are you doing out of bed?"

"I'm feeling much better," Azol said, allowing them in. "I'll be perfectly fine by tomorrow. Tell me, how was training today?"

"Hard," Wylla admitted. "There will be a ball in three weeks, for the blood moon. We can all come!"

"That's wonderful!" Azol said, seeming truly happy for the moment. Then his smile dropped. "Normally, I'd get you fitted for new gowns immediately, but at the moment your father's business isn't going too well, and—"

"That's fine," Wylla said, nodding. "Don't worry about it. Have you eaten?"

Azol nodded and left the three of them to eat on their own, wanting to sleep early. Once they went back up, Asmeen checked her inventory of material and immediately saw that she'd have to get new fabric. She told Elyn so immediately. Elyn had plenty of experience in buying material for her, so Asmeen was sure she'd do fine.

After everything was over, it was all to easy to fall asleep.

After everything was over, it was all to easy to fall asleep

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