kōtarō b.

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~how you met~

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~how you met~

• hey hey hey here we go
• you're in akaashi's class and met bokuto through him when you visited their practice
• bokuto was really excited to have a girl watching him (the team but let's let him believe) so he was extra sure to show off
• however, when he started to fail emo mode began
• akaashi asked you to talk to him and it instantly fixed him
• after the practice he asked you to


• it was only after the first few times that you both hung out together that he confessed
• it was your first time in his house (fourth or fifth 'date') and you were watching a movie on his couch
• he was very casual about it all and probably mentioned it like "i'm gonna get you some more snacks because i like you" or he literally just cuddled into you and said "i'm glad the person i like is so cuddly and cute"
• in return you said it back very casually and he got so excited he looked like a little puppy

~first date~

• bokuto got lots of advice from akaashi (though akaashi's idea of a date is much different)
• in the end he settled for a classic lunch date (since akinori told him that dinner was too formal)
• he took you to a really cute cafe that had been recommended to him- i like to think his big sisters helped him a lot with this first date
• throughout the whole date he was very excited and talked a lot about the team and friends as well as his dreams for volleyball
• he spends a long time trying to make the date as long as possible so your 'lunch date' turned into 'ice cream at 1 am date'
• eventually, he got tired and decided to end it
• he totally went in for a kiss if you're cool with that

~what dates are like~

• bokuto prefers to go out and do things on dates like go to a restaurant or arcade instead of staying inside (though he just enjoys spending time with you)
• there is nothing that he loves more than spoiling you too whether it be with gifts or affection so be prepared for either one
• most of your dates are more like hangouts since friends are usually invited, making it a bit more chaotic and fun
• although, you do make sure to spend time just for each other

~study sessions~

• no study time but cuddle time yes
• your study dates usually involve others (akaashi) so you can tag-team bokuto and take it in turns of actually studying and keeping bokuto entertained
• lots of snacks are always a great help
• he needs a lot of reassurance and it's easy for him to feel like he's no enough when he's studying so affirmation is key!


• any kiss he gets he loves
• he thinks forehead and cheek kisses are so wholesome and loves to both give and receive them
• when he's in emo mode you better be ready to smother him in kisses
• pda is a big yes and he loves to show you off so expect a lot of it
• will grab your cheeks when he kisses you

~caught making out~

• he would either get really sad or be really happy
• if someone walks in and he was getting into it he'd probably go into emo mode, needing extra kisses afterwards
• if it's someone he likes and wants to see then he doesn't mind and will just move on to y'all to them for a while


• we all know bokuto would give the best hugs
• if you'll let him he'll pick you up- wrapping his arms around your thighs and holding you up
• when you're cuddling in bed he'd much rather be the little spoon but he also loves it when you lay on his chest
• when you're cuddling he's normally touching your thigh and sometimes if he's cold he'll put his hands between them so you can 'warm them up'


• bokuto is very trusting of you (don't break his heart bitch) so he doesn't get jealous easily
• you've only seen him get super angry once when he saw someone flirting with you and making you uncomfortable
• he's not the best at communicating so he does rely on you to understand when he's not comfortable in a situation

~sick days~

• big baby alert! he needs a lot of attention, affection and love if he's sick
• after the first time you looked after him when he was sick he loved it so much he ran out in the rain without a top on just so he could get sick again and have you be his nurse
• if you're sick he doesn't mind looking after you and will plan a whole day in: movies, snacks, pillow forts and cuddles

~meeting the family~

• bokuto was mostly just excited to meet your family
• got very dressed up: suit and tie vibes yup
• the whole night he was very bubbly but after he got pretty emotional and wanted you to reassure him he did a good job

~favourite part of you~

• bokuto loves your thighs
• when you sit on his lap or is cuddling his hands will normally go on your thigh
• he hates when you're insecure (especially about the things he loves the most) so if you think you can y'all bad about thigh stretch marks, pimples, scars or bruises you're very wrong
• he'll get very upset and kiss all the insecurities away
• bokuto will probably say "well the best guy needs the best partner" and stuff like that trying to hype you up
• also your cheeks (extra points for chubby or freckled)

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