akira k.

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~how you met~

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~how you met~

• he ended up complaining about you in class since you were 'making too much noise' for whatever reason
• you tried to play it off like he had a bad day but eventually, he really got on your nerves
• small remarks were always spoken between you both in the halls and he would never miss the opportunity  to tease you when you'd least expect it
• at one point these childish emotions began to mix with much more real ones and it didn't take long for him to realise he had a crush on you


• someone on the team had commented how he would never ask you out
• of course, this annoyed him very much and he wanted to make it a point to prove them all wrong
• kunimi did the classic 'meet you at the back of the school' move as was very direct in his confession
• he almost seemed a little annoyed and bored that he had to ask you out in the first place but after knowing him for a while you knew this was just him

~first date~

• your first date was to the cinema- mostly because he didn't want to talk for a whole date
• he made it his mission to sneak in as many snacks as possible so you both ended up having a picnic in the back of the cinema
• he did very shyly half your hand as he walked you home and then refused to make eye contact till he said goodbye
• i feel like he is totally the person to take sneaky pictures of you when you don't realise and will keep t as memories
• in the future imagine you both looking over old memories and he just pulls out a collection of photos from your past together and it's got all of our dates and fun times you and together and he's so casual about it
• kunimi will take bad pictures of purpose to tease you with and those always end up being the ones he has on his lock screen

~what dates are like~

• your dates are usually very much just sitting in silence and cuddling or watching a movie/show
• he doesn't like to do much and would rather just bask in your company than go out and shop or go to a park
• if you do go out it would most likely be to a fast food place and you'd both sit in one of the cute booths in a corner and share food
• taking pictures of you without you knowing became a huge habit of his and he's now got a whole collection
• if you ever try to do the same he catches you embarrassingly easily
• everyone in the team tried to follow you both one time for the fun to join in but one look from kunimi and they all backed away

~study sessions~

• kunimi is a terrible teacher so if you don't get it right away from his basic run-through, he will give up and just call you dumb
• sometimes when his patience is better, he will try harder with the subjects he knows you really do need help with though these still include snarky comments while he helps you out
• during study sessions it's very difficult to keep him off his phone and keep him awake so he's not the best influence


• he loves it when you sit in his lap or lay on top of him while you kiss
• small tired forehead kisses are a must (he finds it very cute when you kiss the small gap between his hair)
• his hands will usually be on your thighs or
• lazy morning make-out sessions >
• he kisses your knuckles whenever you hold hands
• kunimi does that thing where when you're holding his face in your palm he'll move his head slightly so he can give your palm a kiss

~caught making out~

• he does not care and will just keep doing what he's doing
• kindaichi walked in once and got super embarrassed but kunimi just glanced at him before paying attention to you again


• he is a very lazy hugger
• his favourite place is to lay on your chest or if he's in the mood he'll want you on his chest since he says it grounds him
• usually when he's more tired he'll get clingier and will basically demand cuddles at all times
• kunimi gives constant back hugs to the point they're excessive but if you ever bring up the fact that it's adorable he will push you away and never do it again (for a few minutes at least)
• his head will usually be in your neck sjfnsncj


• he only gets grumpy jealous- usually when someone's taking up your time and it's frustrating him
• he doesn't do too much about this and will usually just say some backhanded comment at it so you know how much it annoyed him
• kunimi has a great stink eye so he will use that if he thinks someone's annoying you

~sick days~

• all he wants to do is sleep when he is sick so it's very easy to look after him
• when you're sick he will do the bare minimum to help you out and that's it
• he also doesn't want to get sick himself so don't expect too many cuddles
• however, when he is sick if you dare leave him alone he'll be outrage and throw a mini tantrum until you give him a cuddle

~meeting the family~

• he was very casual about the whole thing and overall it went very well
• you were pleasantly surprised at how calm he was but then remembered how laid back he normally is and then it made sense

~favourite part of you~

• kunimi is a very cuddly person so if you are too he loves that
• even when you hold him and pay him attention it makes him very soft even though he would never admit it
• he will also never admit it but when you give him a head pat, despite how he pushes you away it always makes him embarrassed

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