kazuhito n.

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~how you met~

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~how you met~

• you both met as first years and ended up sitting next to each other
• you both very quickly got along and made each other feel much better that you had a friend to make it through high school with
• luckily you did make your own friends, but narita introduces you to ennoshita and kinoshita who you got along very well with
• the four of you would sometimes meet in the library and study together


• it wasn't until the start of second year that narita had noticed he was gaining feelings for you
• he told ennoshita and kinoshita who told him it was very obvious- which did not help at all
• narita asked you to meet him at the back of school after the first 3v3 game
• when you got there he tried to act cool but his rosey cheeks very easily game him away when he asked you to be his girlfriend
• somehow managing to form a sentence despite the fact that your crush just asked you out, you managed to say yes

~first date~

• for the first date you went to the mall
• he was acting like a true gentleman and wanted to show you how he would truly treat you like a princess
• anything you saw and liked he offered to buy for you which you thought was very sweet and you only took him up on the offer a few times where he made sure he carried the bags too
• he then took you for a quick dinner to his favourite restaurant and walked you back home, later calling you about how much fun he had while squealing like a fan-boy

~what dates are like~

• he likes shopping dates so he can see you try on cute clothes and being able to walk around with you carrying your stuff makes him feel good
• he likes to have his arm wrapped around your shoulder when you're walking and no matter where you are will occasionally press soft kisses to he top of your head when you least expect it

~study sessions~

• he likes to get his work done in the one go so the study session last a while longer with him
• it might take a while before you fully get his attention, and he might tease you for it afterwards but his work can wait for you
• he is a great tutor and is very patient with you if you ever need any help
• he is able to know which questions you need help on before you do


• he loves chatsé kisses
• nothing too passionate but just short kisses that show how much he loves you
• he likes to be kissed on the nose the most and likes giving you them back
• eskimo kisses are his favourites to do while it just the two of you and you're cuddling

~caught making out~

• like kinoshita will probably just be super embarrassed
• if its his senpais he will just run away and you won't see him till maybe he next day and then he'll apologise for leaving you
• will fall over though


• nerdy type i bet
• just wants to hold you for as long as possible
• he likes to be he big spoon so he likes it when you both face each other and your head is in his neck while his arms protectively wrap around you like a shield
• will always have his arm wrapped around your shoulder
• loves it when you wrap your arms around his waist and press yourself into him tightly


• he doesn't get jealous too much
• it's more that he doesn't want anyone to put you in a situation you're uncomfortable in so he'll always try and be aware of how you're feeling then

~sick days~

• i feel like he would not want to look after you
• not because he doesn't want to help but just because he really doesn't want to get sick
• he will throw your medicine/snacks/his hoodie at you from the doorway
• he will constantly text you and call you through and will get you anything you need

~meeting the family~

• he was very quiet at first because he didn't want to say the wrong thing but after he spoke up a bit more, and gained more confidence he felt much better
• everyone adored him and although he did get very embarrassed by some of the things they were asking him, he made sure to show how much he loves and appreciates you

~favourite part of you~

• ass
• he's an ass guy i guess to me it just makes sense
• if you're cuddling, your ass is probably his favourite place to grip and and pull you closer with

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