takihiro h.

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~how you met~

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~how you met~

• you have been friends with hana and matsu since your first year
• you had stumbled into the boys' volleyball club while helping your teacher give some paperwork to their coach
• it was very awkward as you just stood there waiting for your teacher to finish but it wasn't long before the first years approached you
• oikawa tried to flirt with you, iwaizumi apologises while smacking oikawa, hana watched with a smirk and matsu was just trying to have a normal conversation
• after iwaizumi dragged oikawa away from you hana and matsu stayed, soon realising you three were actually in the same class
• since you three grew a lot closer and three would always invite you to each lunch with them or partner up for a project


• hanamaki's confession wasn't really a confession
• you were both pretty flirty towards one another and made it clear that you were both interested but never made the final step to truly ask one another out on a date
• one-day hana's pick up line went a little too far and it wasn't until he saw your blush that he realised he just fully asked you to be his girlfriend
• much to his surprise you just said yes and kissed his cheek before walking away
• his cheeks were lightly blushing while his teammates cheered him on

~first date~

• for the first date you and hanamaki went to the cinema
• he took you to this very cheesy comedy movie which you both ended up not liking too much and instead of laughing at the jokes, you were laughing at how terrible it was
• after realising how bad of a first date that was he instead took you to an arcade after where you both played arcade games for hours
• he was all too good and teased you a lot when you lost
• if he won he would just brush it off with a pout and move on to a game he knew he could win at
•, of course, he won you a small teddy which he gave you while making fun of the 'boy giving girl a stuffy and she names it and cuddles it while thinking of him' stereotype
• at the end of the date he gave you a very cheeky and quick peck on the lips before walking away and leaving you at your doorstep

~what dates are like~

• your dates with hanamaki are usually very chill and causal
• he's not one to go out and be too physical but he does enjoy cinema dates, night in, and dates to small bakeries
• he loves to take you to the arcade you went to on your first date for the ~memories~
he really does love food so as long as that's involved somewhere he's good

~study sessions~

• when it's just you and hanamaki the study dates are very calm and peaceful
• he's not the best teacher and relies on your help instead but he tries his best if you really need anything
• i feel he might be a little forgetful to be prepared to have to give him half of your stationery
• obviously if the others are crashing your study dates it's much more chaotic


• hanamaki will usually have one of his hands against your neck and the other on your hip so he can really push you both close together
• he doesn't kiss too much in public but isn't afraid to give a small peck to your neck, cheek or nose in public
• his favourite place to kiss you is your neck and the back of your hand while he's holding it
• his favourite place to be kissed is his nose and forehead
• when he's holding your head in his hand though during cuddles and you kiss his palm while it's still on the side of your face his entire being just melts
• oikawa always makes puking faces when you both kiss but that just encourages hanamaki more

~caught making out~

• this does not phase him at all
• he'll normally pretend nothing happened and carry on fairly quickly after talking to the intruder
• sometimes hell just give them a little wink and wave before continuing ;)


• hanamaki is a little awkward when it comes to hugs but after a while, he loosened up
• he doesn't mind who's big spoon or little spoon
• if you're shorter than him he'll stand behind you with his arms loosely around your waist and his head on your shoulder/head (maybe kissing your neck a lil)
• if you're lying down he likes his head being in your chest on the side and your head on top of his
• if you're watching a movie he'll start to play with your fingers without even realising


• he does get jealous when you spend more time with matsuwaka than him if it's for a project or something
• he doesn't care too much though since he knows nothing would happen there
• if someone's annoying you he doesn't hesitate to drag you out of there quickly but he doesn't mind you talking to other people as long as you don't go too far and come back to him
• if you're jealous he does find it funny but loves to spoil you after

~sick days~

• he gets very cranky when he's sick
• he just wants to be left slog and for the illness to overcome itself in its own time but of course hats not the most practical
• he also doesn't want to get better since he gets more time off school
• when you're sick it doesn't change how he acts much he might just keep an extra eye on you
• if you're sick he might want some extra cuddles so he can get sick and get off the school
• of course, you figured this out but who would say no to cuddles?

~meeting the family~

• hanamaki was very casual about the whole thing and didn't stress out about it too much
• he did embarrass himself a little bit was able to play it off

~favourite part of you~

• hanamaki likes your neck and shoulders
• whether it's planting kisses to them or just rubbing his cheeks against them it's his favourite way to make you blush

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