hisashi k.

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~how you met~

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~how you met~

• you were both chosen to be partners in a group project together
• he had always thought you were cute but you never talked much in class and he thought the same about you
• you both had to hang out a lot for your project so you went to a lot of his practices and enjoyed watching him train
• eventually you got to know each other a lot better and study sessions became chances for you both to talk and get to know each other better


• it was actually suga who convinced you both to make a move
• he first went up to you during practice and teased you enough to find out you liked kinoshita and then did the same to him
• after that practice you both walked to his house and began your project again when you asked him out for lunch sometime but not for the project
• of course, he said yes

~first date~

• for the first date you both went out to lunch and got to talk a lot more
• since you already talked before this was a perfect time for you both to open up to each other more
• he told you about how he feels like a disappointment to the team since he left them before but you were able to reassure him no one on the team feels that way and they're all just happy that he was back
• because you asked him out you paid and to make up for it he took you to a different coffee shop because he didn't want you to go home just yet

~what dates are like~

• he can take you out on many romantic dates when you both feel like it but dates to the cafe are your favourites
• i feel like kinoshita is a secret baker too so if you have a movie night expect some baked treats
• if he's taking you out it will be pretty much for the whole day because he wants to spend as much time with you as possible

~study sessions~

• you usually go out to study together
• you all study with the other second years and like to just sit back and watch the chaos
• when it's just the two of you he's very quiet but if you tell him you want to stop and do something else he'll drop it all for you


• not a big fan of pda and likes to keep it all for when you're in private ;)
• he likes to have his hands on your cheeks when you kiss and loves it when your arms are wrapped around the back of his neck
•  his favourite place to get kisses are small chasté kisses on the lips

~caught making out~

• he will instantly go bright red from embarrassment and will hide it from whoever it was that walked in
• if it's someone in your family he will push you away and continuously bow to them while apologising


• he will hold you as close as humanly possible and refuse to let you go
• when you're walking around he loves to hold your hand or have his hand on your back
• if you're lying down he's usually the big spoon and will put his head on the back of yours snuggling in close
• if you're standing he'll wrap his arms around your shoulder and pull have yours wrapped around his waist


• he gets jealous sometimes during practice because he knows that you and suga have become good friends but it doesn't take much for you to remind him that he's the only one you want
• if he is jealous though he tends to just leave you be, and realises that he's got nothing to worry about so he doesn't feel the need to go up to you

~sick days~

• when you're sick he doesn't mind getting too close but won't jump in for cuddles because ew
• goes straight to google for help and will spend half your time being sick watching videos on how to help people who are sick because he doesn't want to accidentally make you even worse
• no matter how many times you fall sick, and how many videos he watches his all never change

~meeting the family~

• he was pretty nervous but played it off in a very cool way
• he was very polite and professional-like with your family because he wanted to make a good first impression but everyone just thought he was being very weird yet adorable
• in the end, it all went well but you did get many phone calls afterwards asking for validation that he did alright

~favourite part of you~

• he loves your smile
• it brightens his day when he sees you smiling just for him and will always remind him of how much you love him

we really don't get to see much of kinoshita and narita so i'm really just making it up based on the little we know (this will be the same for others but oh well)

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