lev. h

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~how you met~

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~how you met~

• you're a good friend of shibayama and inuoka so when you heard they were having a new member it was very exciting
• you walked into the gym and the new guy stood out like a sore thumb
• not only was he long as hell but he was lying on the floor after having being bullied by kenma and then beat up by yaku
• as soon as you spoke up he ran over to you and said "wow! i didn't know they had pretty girls in the club! is she the manager?" he kept talking as if you weren't actually here or able to commentate with him
• eventually he was shouted at to run back to practice so he did
• but now without sending you a wink first


• he did it... in front of everyone
• it was more of a spur of the moment decision for him really
•, of course, he was nervous but that all went out the window when he bowed in front of you and yelled at the start of school, confessing his love
• being embarrass you dragged him away to the gym before telling him your answer
• thankfully, no one embarrassed you too much but that was not the same for lev

~first date~

• lev really just wanted to sit and watch movies and hang out with you for your first date so he brought you to his house right away
•, of course, he had to make sure there was no chance of alisa seeing you both or all hell would break loose for him
• he asked all your friends for your favourite snacks and got everything on the list to surprise you with
• whether you enjoy them or not you watched almost every cheesy disney romance movie he had and he loved it
• with not an ounce of hesitance he also cuddled with you right away to your delight

~what dates are like~

• lev is a very cuddly person so you do have much night into just cuddle
• if you're not doing that then he lives to take you to the arcade or a carnival
• he tries to win you everything he can but usually fails so you have to comfort him
• he's trying his hardest tho

~study sessions~

• he needs a lot of help
• the coach and kuroo has asked you to help him study since if his grades didn't get better he wouldn't be able to play on the team
•, of course, you agreed to help but that decision was very quickly regretted
• lev is a person who needs a lot of attention and praise so be sure to congratulate him for doing the tiniest thing while studying


• spontaneous kisses are his favourite  
• if you're a lot shorter than him he'll refuse to bend down so you have to climb him like a tree to be able to kiss him much to his amusement 
• he loves getting kisses on the nose because he thinks it's the cutest thing
• sometimes he'll hover his lips over yours but refuse to press them together because he likes watching you get annoyed

~caught making out~

• lev just doesn't understand how embarrassing it is having someone walk in on you making out so he doesn't mind at all
• that is unless it's his sister and then he really freaks out
• he will go to crazy lengths to ensure that alisa never ever walks in on you both doing anything- even if it is just cuddling and watching a movie
• he knows that she would never let him hear the end of it so the thought of her teasing him so much is truly terrifying


• it doesn't matter how tall he is he will be the little spoon
• there's just something amazing about it to him being wrapped up in your arms
• lying on your chest is his absolute favourite place to be but sometimes he'll put his whole body on you and leave you to suffocate under his weight
• he can be very clingy most of the time and demands cuddle regularly
• you lap is his personal pillow and he will expect a hand to be playing with his head
• a lev without cuddles is a very grumpy lev so be very careful


• lev got very jealous of shibayama and inuoka at the start of your relationship since you three are very good friends, but now he realises he has nothing to be jealous of
• if he does get jealous to anyone else he uses his height to his advantage
• lev is a very tall person so he does tower over most people
• when you're uncomfortable and lev can tell or if he doesn't like who you're talking to, lev will stand behind them until they notice his presence and just stare until they leave (which never takes long)

~sick days~

• lev has no idea how to make you better and will only make you worse
• he isn't afraid however to give out cuddles if heard needed but if not it's best to keep him as far away as possible to avoid getting any worse
• when he is sick whatsoever he is the biggest baby and requires attention at all hours

~meeting the family~

• lev is an... intimidating person to say the least when you first meet him
• he did absolutely no preparation as he claimed his "wits and charms" would save him
•, fortunately, they did help and all went well in the end

~favourite part of you~

• lev is definitely a hand guy
• i have no idea why but it makes sense to me
• he just loves holding your hand and playing with your fingers when he's bored
• he will also try his hardest to paint your nails if you allow him to but don't expect too much because it never goes well

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