asahi a.

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~how you met~

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~how you met~

• you were a manager for a volleyball team and saw him wandering around the stadium looking lost
• you went up to him and offered your help much to his suprise as most people are too afraid to speak to him
• you talked the whole way to his team meet up and he was a blushing mess the whole way
• when you got there the team thanked you and pushed asahi to ask for your number
• when he did you could barely understand what he was saying but he couldn't have been happier after you gave him your number


• asahi knew he liked you and wanted to be your boyfriend but didn't know how to confess
• he invited you round to watch movies which was a regular occurrence in your friendship
• when you started to fall asleep he whispered "i love you" thinking you weren't still awake
• when you whispered "i love you too" the poor guy thought he was going to have a heart attack

~first date~

• you took him to a very quiet cafe where you could both just relax in a booth and talk
• you told him all about yourself and many secrets and he gave you lots of advice
• he opened up to you about his insecurities with the way he looks and his title as an ace
• when he walked you home you were both too nervous for any hugs or kisses so you just made plans for another date

~what dates are like~

• he likes dates where it's just you and him so he can be much more himself
• loves cuddles so movie dates (in cinema or at home) are his favourite so he can hold your hand and snuggle into you
• if you kiss him goodnight after he gets very embarrassed and probably freezes up so you end up worrying for him
• the first time you asked him to stay over since it was too late for him to walk all the way home you thought you would have to take him to the hospital since he looked so ill
• he ended up sleeping in the floor and it took a while for him to get used to being close to you but now he's much more confident in the relationship and knows you won't judge him if he's awkward

~study sessions~

• you both don't have study dates too often but when you do he likes to sit right next to you, shoulder to shoulder, and keeps sneaking glances over to you to get your attention
• he gets really embarrassed having to ask for help sometimes but you always try to remind him that you'll always help him with anything


• shy baby boy
• he will gently peck your hands while he's holding them- especially during movie times and you're cuddling
• you usually have to initiate the kissing which took him a whole to get comfortable with
• he loves it when you kiss his cheek and hands right after he kisses yours
• also lets just say he has a very sensitive neck ;)

~caught making out~

• just no
• he freak out so much it's not good for his lil heart
• will go bright red and will run out the door leaving you with the person who walked in
• this will never change no matter how many times you kiss and how many times you get caught


• he gives off lil spoon energy
• loves having you wrap onto him and put his face on your chest when you're lying down
• when he's anxious or can't sleep listening to your heart is one of he few things that clam him down so expect a lot of late night and fandoms phone calls asking you to come round to cuddle


• he doesn't necessarily get jealous just insecure
• even without you talking to another guy he wonders why you are with him which results to you practically yelling at him how much you love him which sends him mixed messages
• if he sees you with someone and gets jealous he doesn't go up to you because he's too shy but he'll get extra quiet afterwards and will need to have the truth pried out of him
• all he needs afterward is a short kiss and a hug and he'll feel much better knowing how much you mean to him
• if you get jealous it might take him a while to realise but then he'll walk away and make sure that you okay

~sick days~

• when you're sick he'll probably worry you'll die, even if it's just a small cold, so he needs to be reassured that you will survive
• needs to do a google search for what to do when someone's sick and will somehow ends up rubbing random objects on your body and performing rituals to 'cure' you
• won't hesitate to give any cuddles you need and will take the position of big spoon to keep you warm
• not the best cook and may poison you but will no doubt try his absolute hardest

~meeting the family~

• he was freaking out so much when you suggested he meets your family
• it took him a while to 'prepare himself' and by this i mean he organised lectures where you told him all about every member of your family including hobbies, favourite foods, topics of discussion, what to avoid etc
• he even made notes and flash cards he kept in his pocket while he went over
• you made sure that the first time they met was very brief so he didn't get too scared
• he was able to calm down and everyone thought it was very cute how shy he was
• once he started to get asked questions he freaked out and wasn't sure what to say so you grabbed his hand and that calmed him down slightly so he could answer the questions
• he was a stuttering mess but no one minded

~favourite part of you~

• he loves your hands
• every time you hold his hand it calms him down a ridiculous amount
• one of his favourite things to do are kiss the back of your hand while your cuddling
• he is also very delicate with his hands so you both love to give each other manicures and he lets you paint his nails which gets him lots of compliments from the boys on his team

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