Chapter 35: Strongest in the Universe

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Lazzi felt his heart drop as soon as he saw the bright orange cloud of gas swelling in the sky. It almost came as a reflex as he stopped time, freezing the scene like a historical picture. He sprinted at full speed while his mind was still trying to process what he's seeing. Calvin is not there, he told himself. He is safe...he definitely used his Obelisk to save himself.

Instead of sweating, his skin was beginning to freeze now. But he didn't care. Lazzi only needs to see Calvin alive and nothing else matters anymore. Faster, he ordered himself. The tears that fell into his cheeks quickly froze into a thin layer of ice. Faster. The soles of his feet ached. Faster. He's losing his mind. Faster.

He knew he was near when Lazzi met a thick layer of dark smoke. It's almost impossible to see and breathe so he had to let go of time and unfreeze it. "Calvin!!" he yelled at the top of his lungs. "I'm here now! Caly!!" His heart couldn't stay still. He surveyed the area.The flames were slowly subsiding now that it has nothing else to devour and destroy. He never knew destruction came in black and white. Calvin must have hidden for protection, he thought. He placed his hand on his chest, as if trying to calm his heart. His knees were getting weaker by the second. "Calvin!" he shouted again. His eyes were frantic, looking at every space where Calvin took refuge. "Cal..."

His voice trailed off as he saw a glint of soft blue light.

He hurried and raced towards Calvin. Of course he's alive, he thought. How could he think otherwise? He's the Obelisk of Odds. He wouldn't die so easily..

"Calvin? I'm here!" he announced waiting for the smoke to thin out. And when it did, Lazzi felt his heart cave in itself, a feeling much more painful than anything he ever felt before. Calvin was lying on the ground. His legs were burnt to nothing, his skin dark and red. He fell on his knees and looked closer. He shook his head. No, this isn't him. Calvin is safe and whole. This body was missing his left arm, he just noticed. Whoever this man is, he felt pity for, but this isn't Calvin. It shouldn't be. He was about to leave and search once again but the dying man took his hand and even though it's skin-burnt and hot, Lazzi recognized the gentleness of it, the yearning affinity of it to his own hand. It was Calvin, no matter how much he denied it.

"Laz." Cal muttered. His voice strained and frail. Lazzi instantly broke into tears. He couldn't bear to see his love like this but he must. He stared at Calvin's reddened face with one question on his head. Why? Why does it have to be him?

"I'm sorry Caly..." he whispered. "I'm here now. Okay? Use your Obelisk please. I..." he couldn't continue. He was almost breathless from sobbing.

"Laz." Calvin repeated. "I couldn't see. Is that you?"

"Yes! Yes it's me. What is it my love?"

Cal smiled despite half of his face had already melted. "I' glad... I kept you safe."

Laz felt his chest tightened. "Yes, Caly you kept me safe. You did so well, my love. But I'm sorry Caly...sorry I wasn't—"

"Don't be." Calvin raised his remaining hand and used it to wipe Lazzi's tears. "Take my Obelisk. It's the next step."

"No.... no, no. You need your Obelisk to survive. Use it to increase your chance of living."

"You promised to trust me, remember?"

"Yes, I did but—"

"Trust me Laz, it'll be alright."

"No! Please Caly, no." He lowered his head on Calvin's chest, shut his eyes as if it would stop the tears. "Don't do this. Please, I'm sorry. Sorry Caly. Please live. I'll make Ortus heal you back. Just wait for me—"

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