Chapter 33: Acceptance

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In order for the plan to work, Calvin has to hide two key pieces of information. The first was the day of the arrival of Ortus's fleet. Calvin needed Lazzi to be genuinely surprised in order to fool Ortus that things were going his way. Lazzi only knew that they would have to eventually surrender as a way to find Ortus. The soldiers were readying for the arrival of the backup ship that would transport them since Calvin destroyed all of the naval ships earlier, a delay essential for his plan as well. While waiting Calvin saw Lazzi being blindfolded. He wanted to say sorry to him for giving him a scare but he decided to keep his silence. Shortly, he was also blindfolded. The last thing he saw was Tony who was sitting beside them, his life slowly withering away. He felt sad about him. He wished Ortus could save him.

As soon as his eyes were covered, he activated his Obelisk. A good call since right after, he felt a small prickling pain right at his arm. He knew it was a sedative. He figured that it was the only way they had kept Ophelia in place, a person who can teleport at will so it's likely that they would do the same for them. So far, things were going according to his plan. And Ortus was still under the impression that they had no plan whatsoever and they were successfully captured.

When the ship had arrived, the soldiers guided them inside and secured them in a room. Slowly, he was feeling that the drug was working and he was losing consciousness.

"Calvin, are you there?" Lazzi asked as soon as he felt that they were alone.

"Yes," he assured. He stretched his feet and reached for Lazzi. "Is this you?"

Lazzi giggled. "Yes."

"Shut up you two!" a soldier yelled at them.

Calvin brushed his feet on Lazzi's shin, a way of telling him that everything will be okay, before he completely sunk to the depths of slumber.

"What happened to you Cal? You look tired."

"Huh? Mom?" Cal asked, incredulous.

"Is everything alright in school?" His mom went to his side and brushed his tousled hair.

Cal looked around and noticed that he was at home. Briefly he peered at his chest and saw his insignia. He realized that this was only the second time he visited a reality where his mom is still alive ever since he got his Obelisk. Yet he was thankful. "I'm okay ma, I actually am better than okay. You see there's this boy...he's very caring and kind and on top of it he's super hot."

His mom laughed for a second which made him hesitate if he should continue. But he figured that this might be his only chance to tell his mom. "His name is Lazzi ma." He proudly told her. "He's very dependable and he can do anything he sets his eyes to. But when he's with me, I feel like I'm an oasis and he's the proverbial man lost in the desert. I feel like I'm his strength. I never felt that before. And ma, he promised to always protect me. I...I really love him ma. I hope'd accept that and I hope you'll like him too..."

His mom took his hand, held it firmly, like she used to do before she died. "Of course Cal, I already do. Anyone who will take care of you and make you always smile like the one you have right now is more than good enough for me." Calvin didn't realize he was crying until his mom wiped his tears away.

"I love you ma. I miss you so much." He hugged his mom tightly, something he had always wished he'd done more back when she was still alive. "I'm so sorry."

"Why are you saying sorry? You don't have to say sorry for being who you are or for loving someone. Okay?"

Calvin went on and cried some more. Just like that, he was a child again. He was like a hurting kid who just scraped his knees, but now cradled by his mother. All his regret, his pain, that he locked away for so long was now gone. His mother's embrace was like magic as she took it all away. He felt at peace. He remembered Lazzi's words that Verosses was the happiest in the universe and he finally understood why.

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