Chapter 9: The Girl whose Name He Can't Recall

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The other students stared at him as he slowly climbed up the stairs to his classroom. His dad after some convincing let him go to class alone. What a relief. Perhaps Brenda, his dad's girlfriend, does not want to escort him as well, so instead of inconveniencing the two, it was better to let them be and go with their merry ways.

He moved his feet slowly like a sloth. But at least he could sway it a bit—a major improvement from being numb and a limp meat. Ever since he woke up, he had to use crutches due to the muscle atrophy of his legs.

"Do you need help?" a girl, maybe from his section, he's not sure, asked. Her tone of voice was cheerful and high-pitched at the end which Calvin thought was perfect for a children's show like in Hi-5. Hey-a kids, good morning, did you miss me?

"No," he said morosely, a complete 180 to her goody-rainbow voice. If it wasn't for his crutches, really, he would have taunted anyone who saw him as a tragedy. But this girl had the audacity to ask him.

"Let me help," the girl insisted. He glanced at her for a second and now he was sure that she was indeed from his section. There was something different about her that he couldn't quite pinpoint that made him doubt. Maybe a new haircut? It has been a month after all. She was oddly familiar though. Of course, they were classmates so he ought to remember but still Calvin found it weird. Being a self-proclaimed antisocial, he doesn't remember faces easily.

"I can manage," he replied.

"Come on, I'll carry you on my back."

Calvin, now annoyed, decided the silent treatment. But the girl didn't mind and waited for him to step his legs up before she would take a step of her own. She did this until they reached the third floor.

"Only a few steps now, don't worry!"

"No shit, I'm not blind, I can see our room too," he snapped. By then, his armpits were soaked with sweat and he was exhausted. But at least he's working out his legs like the doctor recommended. Each step he felt like his legs were getting stronger, like a rusted machine getting oiled up.

"I can still carry you if you want..." she reached for his elbow but he jerked it away. "You're a meanie,"

"At least I'm not a 17-year old who talks wike a baby." he pouted. With that, Calvin expected her to go away, or maybe even cry, but she didn't. She still continued to wait for him until they reached their room. It felt like he stepped on a gum, a really colorful annoying gum. What was weird is that this is the first time they talked to each other. And here she is now, all chummy and clingy.

"Cal-y!" someone called out. And Calvin knew exactly who.

"Hey Tony, you look as round as ever," he commented at Tony as he and the girl approached him. By round, he meant his face was the literal definition of backpfeifengesicht— a face that begs to be slapped. His relationship with Tony was vague. They were not friends, at least that's what Calvin thought. Sure, they talk sometimes. But that's because he was one of the few kids at their school that drink or smoke. But other than that, they are practically strangers.

"At least I look healthy, unlike you. You look like the wind is gonna blow you away. Thank god we closed the windows earlier." He laughed with a pig snort in the end. "Of course. I'm kidding! Welcome back Emperor Palpatine." Calvin scoffed. He doesn't know who emperor Palpatine was but that guy must have looked ugly. Since the accident, his cheeks became a sunken groove and his pectorals flattened, etching the edges of his ribs like valleys on his brown and speckled skin. He recovered a little but still he wasn't back to his old physique.

Calvin continued his slow turtle journey towards his seat at the middle of the room. Some of his classmates stared at him as if they knew his every secret but thankfully they were intimidated enough by his glare to initiate a conversation. But he was sure they were itching to ask him.

"Are you good?" the girl asked.

"Of course."

For a moment, Calvin completely forgot that she was there, the girl whose name he can't recall. She's not unique though. Calvin barely knew the names of his classmates. He's not that he's too lazy to remember. He just doesn't want to remember. Because what good will it do to him? To him, his classmates were just strangers in an elevator. Why would he remember their names if they will only share the same space for a brief moment and never to see each other again. In two or three years, they wouldn't matter to him. And he wouldn't matter to them as well. What's important is that he recognized them.

"So...aren't you gonna tell?"

Calvin sighed. Class was just about to start and yet Calvin was exhausted. Both physically from climbing up the stairs and from this peachy girl who doesn't care for his personal space. "Tell what?"

"Have you been really struck by lightning?"

Calvin wished their teacher would come sooner, so he could get this girl away from him. At that moment, oddly, the weird scar on his chest heated up a little, literally. That feeling wasn't new to him and he came to accept that the mark usually does that from time to time. Maybe because it was from a burn injury or something. What he still couldn't understand though, was how did he acquire that Insignia, and how come he dreamt about it even though he wasn't aware of its existence before.

Calvin groaned "Why are you so—" before he finished, their teacher paced into the room and greeted with an over the top energy "Good morning class!" and Calvin was relieved.

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