Chapter 29: Found

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Calvin and Lazzi lay at the beach looking at the sky filled with a myriad of stars. Calvin remembered his room when he was a child where his dad placed glow-in-the-dark stars on his ceiling and his mom tucked him on a comfy blanket. This time he shared his island-sized room with Lazzi and darkness was their only blanket. They were catching their breaths, their hands clasping on each other not wanting to let go. Calvin's hand was smaller and softer than Lazzi's. The first time he held it, he recalled, he was worried what those hands had done. But now, Lazzi's fingers felt like it was a steel fortress capable of protecting him all the time.

"Do you think we should do it?" Cal asked. The thought escaped his lips.

Lazzi brushed away the curl of his hair that covered his forehead. "Do what?"

"What the old Veross wanted."

"I don't want to think of that yet. I'm sorry. He deceived us. For what? Just to give Wren that message?"

"When will we think of it?"

Lazzi's grip loosened. "Just not now Caly, okay?" He sighed. "Can we just enjoy the view for a few more minutes?"

"Okay," Calvin responded followed by a few seconds of near silence. Only the tragic murmuring story of the ocean visiting the shore but leaving it just as quick was the only thing they heard until Calvin broke it with a story of his own. "When I was a kid, I used to look at the night sky and the stars," he whispered, his warm breath tickling Lazzi's ears. "And I used to wonder if aliens exist. And now I'm actually holding hands with one." Calvin giggled.

"Not just holding hands, you're making love to the alien all the time. Like all the time."

"Making love?" Calvin laughed even more and pinched Lazzi's nose. "You're such a prune. Just say f—"

"Ah-ah! Don't ruin it. Making love is a lot nicer."

"Aww?" Calvin teased. "You're such a cutie."

Lazzi smiled coyly, the one that Calvin couldn't resist. And like Lazzi had wanted, Calvin kissed him on the cheeks.

"Lazzi, do you miss your home planet?"

Lazzi trailed Calvin's jaw with his thumb. "Yeah, of course. Remember that our planet has two moons? Can you imagine how bright the sky appeared when both were in full moon? It's just crazy and there is this..." While listening, Calvin zoned out and wondered once again how lucky he was to have Lazzi. He just adored the way Lazzi's eyes outshine the glint of the stars above them; the way he lace his words, more often than a comma, with his ever-dashing smile which makes the story more interesting than any book that he ever read— even if it's just about moons and the snowy hills of his planet. "...and it's extremely cold." Lazzi continued on "You know, the first time I got here, I thought I was in a furnace."

"Is it a lot nicer than here?" Cal asked.

Laz shook his head. "No."

"Really? That was a fast answer. Even though it's polluted on this planet? Earth is better?"

Lazzi shifted and rested his head on his arms before he gazed at Calvin's eyes. "Well, Kepler is a lot less polluted than Earth but polluted nonetheless. And we have better technology. You know, I miss riding a SUB."

"Like the train?"

"No, it's a self-driving bus."

"Woah, that's cool! (I want to visit it someday) So why is Kepler not better then?"

"Cause you're not there." he said directly as if it is the only logical answer and nothing else would hold truth.

Cal bit his lips and jumped on top of him. He wrapped his hand on Lazzi's neck and shook his head in jest. "You're such a big idiot. I hate you!" he teased while laughing so loud, as if he wanted the distant heavenly bodies to hear how happy he was.

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