Chapter 5: After the War that Started it All

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Under the cold Keplerian night sky, where only the light of the two moons illuminate the area, Lazzi was silently trudging along a snowy hill to take the upper ground from his competitors. The air was so thin and cold up there that to Lazzi it almost felt like his lungs could freeze and collapse every time he inhaled. It doesn't help either that he was only wearing a single thin jacket to protect him from the icy winds that blew non-stop for the last few hours. He was so cold that his skin had dried like leaves and each movement he made felt like thousand invisible needles prickling him. He was sure that if they won't finish this final test tonight, none of them shall receive the title they trained and fought for years now.

It was 23 years ago when the news got to Kepler, Lazzi's home planet, that finally a Keplerian, after a hundred years shall be the next one to inherit one of the Obelisks. If not for this news, Lazzi wouldn't have existed. Being such a big turn of event, the whole planet of Kepler descended into chaos. Every region on the planet fought against each other all wanting the same thing— to inherit the Obelisk. It took them nearly 3 years to draw an agreement with a somewhat radical but fair solution thanks to the efforts of Ortus and Veross. They had decided to conceive genetically-modified babies free from the chains of culture from any of the regions of Kepler. It wasn't new in their planet, designing babies to be disease-free, strong, and smart. But it was the first time they made babies for a grand reason, something beyond themselves, something that shall unite their planet. And so, Lazzi was made— not born but made. He was one of the designer babies that the planet had created to be one of the lucky candidates to compete to become the Inheritor.

Lazzi was midway from the summit when he briefly stopped from walking. He thought he heard something. He scanned the area and tried to sense any movement despite the stark darkness of the surroundings. But he found nothing. He has a flashlight in hand but he doesn't want to risk giving away his location if he used it. It's the same reason why he hadn't started a fire even though he's perfectly capable of doing so. He relied solely on his senses and his racing heart. He continued to press forward, now wary of any sound aside from the howling winds and the familiar soft crunch his boots make every time he takes a step against the crystalline white snow. They were sent here in the field for days now, maybe a week or so. Lazzi had estimated that out of 12 nominees only three or four of them remain in the field. Each of the other nominees were designer babies like him, made for a purpose none of them had asked. Like him, they had the same upbringing, same childhood, same lessons taught. Maybe the same yearning for a family to belong to. But only one of them can be the Inheritor. This was their final test.

Lazzi once again paused from walking. At first, he wasn't sure but this time, he definitely had heard it. A twig snapped from a distance. The hair on the back of his head stood up and prickled.

He looked around once more and then he noticed red blinking lights hovering a few meters away from him. Cameras, he thought. That could only mean something was about to go down.

He took a step back, while his eyes twitched from one point to another, trying to detect movements. Was it up on the trees? Or just slowly creeping behind him? And there for a slightest moment he saw it. A silhouette peeking behind a tree.

He turned his back carefully, walked away and tried to act as if he's still ignorant of his predator's presence. He clenched his shaking jaw and shoved his hands on his pockets. His fingers quickly laced itself on the cold slender metal he was hiding on his right-side pocket. Anytime now, he thought.

Then another snap. Sharper and more reckless this time. Quickly, he turned around and saw a man charging towards him. Lazzi threw the knife from his pocket directly to the man running towards him! He hit him in the shoulder. But, the man continued to run after Lazzi as if nothing had hit him.

Lazzi knew it would be futile for him to run especially on this ankle-deep snow. So, he bet on his luck and charged at the man himself.

The man meanwhile, pulled out the knife that Lazzi threw from his shoulder. Blood instantly gushed on his arms painting the canvas white snow below into crimson. He swung the knife towards Lazzi but he only managed to graze his cheeks. The man tried again but he felt Lazzi's fist landing a blow on his face before he even saw him counter. With a force like that Lazzi knew he had shattered the man's nose. The man, in a daze, swung again the knife but aimlessly this time. Lazzi dodged, went low, and swept the man from his feet. The man lost his balance and rolled down the hill until his head hit a tree. Lazzi heard a solid thud but he wasn't sure if it was from nearby twigs or the man's neck that broke. Catching his breath, he waited for the man to move back up but his assailant was as still as the night.

Lazzi closed his eyes and exhaled a misty breath of relief up in the night sky. He walked carefully down towards the man to get back his knife. He figured he could also use the jacket. As he got there, he looked at his assailant's face. He was just as young as him. They could have been neighbors. Or they could have been best friends. Lazzi wondered how many more he needed to beat for this to end. He was near his limit and he just wanted this to end.

After he stripped the man of his clothing, he looked around the area and looked for the blinking red lights he saw earlier. When he saw one, he waved his arms at the camera and smiled.

What he didn't know was that the people watching him were already celebrating in their homes, crying from joy. Not a moment later, a bright spotlight aimed right at him making him squint. Then he realized what that meant. His legs went weak and he buried his face on the snow, screaming. Every second of his life he was reminded that he existed for a purpose. And now that purpose was about to get fulfilled. He was the winner. After 15 years of training, 15 years of hard work, he was finally declared the Inheritor.

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