Chapter 7: The Most Dangerous Ceremony in the Universe

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Lazzi paced back and forth around his quarters. Just outside, there were dozens of soldiers lined up waiting for him to come out. And a few meters from his quarters, there are millions of proud and hopeful Keplerians waiting for Lazzi to grace them with his presence.

"What if I die out there?" Lazzi asked. Cold sweat was dripping on his chest, leaving a patch of wet spots on his traditional linen clothing.

"Boy, after everything you've been through, now you're asking that? Quit over thinking. You're better than this." Captain Creo said.

"Quit overthinking?" he laughed. "Easy for you to say Cap! Rumor has it that when you receive the Obelisk, you'll wish you're dead."

"You won't die. We made sure of it."

The intercom beeped for an incoming message. "Lazzi Kepler, please be escorted to the stage. The ceremony will begin shortly."

"Kepler? When did I receive a last name?"

"Just now. You're this planet's "son" anyway."

Lazzi scoffed. "Lazzi Kepler doesn't sound right."

"You'll get used to it. Now go!"

"Shit! Shit!" Lazzi swore under his breath.

"Language Lazzi, I don't want people to know that I taught you those words."

"I can't do this Cap."

"Lazzi! Thousands of men died for this. Billions of people across the supercluster can only dream to be in your position. Stop this nonsense of yours. Our people don't need a leader that succumbs to fear. Remember, diamonds were made under pressure, and that's how we molded you, wasn't it?"

Lazzi nodded slowly. "Yes Cap." He looked at himself in the mirror one last time and wiped all the anxiety brimming at the edge of his glinting teal eyes just like what he always did for the past years of his life. Lazzi knew things would never be the same as soon as he left his room. "Let's get this over with," he whispered.

"Hey before you go out there," Creo held Lazzi's shoulders firmly and looked him in the eyes. "I want you to know how proud I am to be your mentor. You've done so excellently my boy."

"I'm proud to be under your wing as well...Cap." He wanted to say dad but he was afraid he'll sound ridiculous. It was after all his childish desire to have a father.

As he left his quarters, the soldiers were quick to their feet and surrounded him like walls. Lazzi could already hear the thousands of voices of his people excited for the moment that they've long waited for.

"And finally!" the host's voice echoed through the backstage. "The champion of Kepler....our future Shijian, Lazzi Kepler!!"

Lazzi, as told, stepped into the light of the stage, and the crowd went crazy. "Lazzi! Lazzi! Lazzi!" they all chanted with vigor. Lazzi gulped and clenched his jaw from the sheer number who had come. People from every part of his planet united to see this momentous event. And some came from thousands of lightyears away. They all prepared for this, even building a brand-new coliseum that has floating platforms and real-time holographic projections so that everyone can see him even from afar. His government prepared this exuberant coliseum even though they lack the resources and money to feed every citizen. Lazzi wished to change that. These people cheering for him and the others beyond are suffering for the lack of food, lack of better housing, yet they came all the way here. He wasn't sure what to do but he gave them a shy wave anyway, and they cheered for more, filling the whole coliseum with a jaunty atmosphere. He was too caught up by the admiration of his people that he didn't notice that the other Inheritors were already in the stage with him. It was his first time that he ever laid his eyes on them. Understandably since each planet makes their identity a secret until the Inheritance ceremony.

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