'..The touch of his hand...'

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BTW: The Italic bits in the story are like Skylar's inner self/ her conscience.


"So what do you guys want to do?" Skylar asked.

"Let's watch a movie!" Luke said.

"Ok," she shrugged. "Which one?" she asked innocently..

A smirk slowly crept up on our faces as we all looked at her. She gulped...

Skylar's POV

"Why are you all smiling at me creepily?" I questioned after I gulped.

"No reason," they all simultaneously replied, still smirking and giving perverted looks at one another.

Have I ever mentioned that they are complete weirdos?

I sat down while they huddled (yes, huddled, like the huddle penguins do when they're cold) at the corner where the DVD's were kept. They finally agreed on the same film.

Beau went to set it up whilst Jai sat down next to me and Luke sat next to him.

"So what film did you guys pick?" I asked Jai.

"Final Destination 4,"he casually replied as if it was just another kids movie.

"W-what?" I asked. 

"Final Destination 4," Jai repeated.

"Why? You scared?" Jai asked. 

I looked down then back into his eyes, "No," I said as I nervously shook my head. 


I seriously cannot watch movies that have the slightest bit of blood in them- especially a tiny paper cut - PAPER CUTS ARE VICIOUS! 

My worst fear is blood...

Getting my period for the first time was by far the most horrifying experience I've gone through. I thought I got shot in the vagina and my blood was leaking out. 

In my defence, no one told me about it.

Oh crap, it's starting. I began to fidget. 

"Skye, you okay? If you're scared we can watch something else," Jai offered kindly. 

I shook my head, "I'm not scared, more like excited," I said trying to be more enthusiastic.

Oh my gosh, I know there's going to be a blood bath in this bit, cars are everywhere and we all know that one of them will crash and somehow kill loads of people. I shut my eyes. 

Oh, woman up Edwards!

Oh wait, that was just the character's vision; oh wait, it's actually happening now. 


It's happening alright...

I kept my eyes shut when the cars went flying into the audience; I opened them when I felt something warm wrap around my hand. 


He gave me a reassuring smile, I returned him a 'Thank You' smile as I gripped tightly onto his hand.

For some reason I felt safe and not scared - well I'm still about to shit myself but I felt protected If the touch of his hand could make me feel this then just imagine how his arms wrapped around me would -

Look, blood!



I jumped when the teeth came flying towards the camera. 

What the fuck is wrong with this movie?

Beau stood up and went to take out the DVD, Luke went to the toilet, soon after Beau followed.


In my life, I have never gotten through a single 15 rated movie until now. 

Thanks to Jai...

I looked at our hands still tightly connected, I concentrated hard on the touch.

The warmth radiating from his hand; it was the only source of heat warming up my body.

The soft tissue of his that was comforting mine with tiny brushes of his thumb.

The grip of his hand acted like it was its duty to protect mine.

I snapped out of the trance and looked at a staring Jai. I felt my face heat up when I realised he was looking at me, how embarrassing - a girl staring at hands and being so fascinated by the sight of them.

God, he better not think I have a hand fetish.

I escaped the grip of his hand and looked down hiding the shame I was feeling.

The same hand lifted my face up to look at Jai.

His eyes.. His lips...

I realised what was going to happen..

Jai held my hand as he leaned forward and kissed me.





Listen to Magic by One Direction (Take Me Home) or Irresistable- goes with the chapter (:

Thanks for reading!

<3 <3 <3

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