"I don't know what I'll do"

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  • Dedicated to My readers <3


I saw Jai's hurt expression reading a paper.

Please, not Tiffany's note... Anything but her note...

"Jai! I told you to wait!"

"Who wrote this Skylar?" Jai choked, his voice breaking at my name.

My mouth stayed open not knowing what to say.

Skylar's POV

"Who wrote this?!" he repeated, a hint of urgency in his voice. I looked away not wanting to answer the question. "Please Skye, tell me."

I sighed knowing I had to confront him about it sooner or later. I opened my mouth to say but the bell interrupted me. I thanked luck for being on my side today as I got my bag putting my poster in. I looked an anticipating Jai, I snatched the note and replaced it with a copy of the poster we'd made a few minutes ago. 

"Cya," I tightened my lips to a thin smile before legging it to Spanish. 

I didn't have Jai in the rest of my classes today which for once I was blessed for.

*  *  *

Jai's POV

I can't believe Skylar has managed to avoid me the whole day, even during lunch.

I felt crushed when I read the note, now I know for sure that she was getting bullied - at least she's not physically getting hurt.

I can't believe someone who goes to our school would actually write such horrible things; I mean we are a Catholic school, for god's sake. If any of the teachers found out they would be suspended if not expelled...

Five more minutes till the bell would ring and I couldn't wait to find out who had been bullying my Skylar. I would probably beat him or them up until they're one punch away from death.

Skylar's POV

The bell went off and I ran out of school and towards home. I looked back to see if he was following me- no one was behind me or even out of school. I turned to face where I was running to just to bump into something hard. I landed on my arse groaning. Ugh, blurry vision.

I looked up to see a blob holding their hand out for me to take it, I didn't hesitate to accept their assistance. I held my head trying to stop the dizziness. My vision was gradually getting better as red was now splashed onto the blob.

"Now you know how I felt when bumping into you," I'd recognise that Australian accent anywhere.

"Jai?" I suggested as his image was slowly coming into focus.

I could now see his handsome looks but instead of a smile, a frown was detected and I knew just the reason why.

"So, are you going to tell me who wrote it or are you going to run when the bell goes again?" he asked as we started to walk.

I sighed knowing there was no point in running; Jai's probably more physically fit than me anyway.

He looked for cars as we crossed the street, "So, who was it?"

"Who was what?"

"Skylar, stop avoiding the question!"

"I'm not! You misunderstood. The note was written by..." I started to think of what would make a reasonable excuse.

"By...?" he carried on.

"ME! It was written by me!" I blurted out.

"You?" Jai said making sure what he heard was right. I nodded. "Why would you say those horrible things to yourself?"

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