"I've always been yours."

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I will love you even if you do turn out to be a middle aged pervert x

I looked up at her and she blew me a kiss; I caught it with my hand and placed my hand on my chest where inside was my heart beating rapidly just for her. God, I feel like some lovestruck teenager.

Um, you are a love struck teenager.

Shut up.

I remembered what I thought this morning and compared it to how I felt now.

This morning, it felt like someone just ripped out my heart and threw it into a bottomless well.

But, Skylar found my heart again and filled it with happiness.

Skylar's POV

My eyes slowly opened, my head turned towards the closed curtains. A smile crept up my face remembering the events that took place the night before.

I got up to open the curtain to let in some Vitamin D to warm up the room (Greatest irony because it's 2016 and I have a vitamin D deficiency so be Skylar and LET THE SUNSHINE IN). I sat back down on my bed staring at the time wondering what on earth I could do. Call Jai - why on earth would Jai be awake at 7am on a Sunday morning. I sighed trying to think of more options.

An awesome idea came to mind..

*  *  *

"PLEASE MUM!!!" I begged clinging on my mother's leg.

"No, Skylar. You're grounded for life remember!?" she shouted. I sighed standing up.

"But, you said I could after I settle in. And I am settled!!" I whined.

"No means no, Skylar! Now stop pestering me!"

For the last hour I've been trying to convince my mum into letting me decorate my room but it hasn't been working to well..

"PLEASE!!!!" I squealed into her ear, knowing that would annoy her the most.

"Ok, ok! "she gave up. I jumped squealing. 

"Thank you, mummy!" I squeezed her.

"Here's some money, just go and leave me in peace!" she said, handing me a handful of dollars.

"WHOO HOO!" I screamed as I left the house in a hurry.

*  *  *

I dropped the heavy bucket of paints on the carpet alongside some paintbrushes and a pile of newspaper.

How the hell am I going to do this in a day?

I decided to text Jai:

Need your help with something... Please come over! x

I hit send before starting to put newspaper all over the white carpet; I made sure there wasn't a spot on the carpet without newspaper on  it, knowing my mother would be furious if she saw a tiny drop on paint on her precious carpet.

I stole my dad's old white shirt from the attic and put it on as an apron. I also took my old washed out denim shorts and tied my hair back into a neat ponytail. 

I heard a knock coming from downstairs. I ran down and opened the door to reveal the boy who stole my heart with just one look.

I immediately kissed him then pulled him inside. He shut the door before I dragged him upstairs.

"Whoa, Skylar - don't you think this is a bit too soon? I mean I'm all for it but I just" he rambled looking 

Bit too soon?


 I went red, as the colour of a tomato red and hit his arm in disbelief. 

"JAI! I need your help to paint my room. I can't believe how dirty minded you are!"

"Oh, right!" he said laughing. He started to scratch the back of his head, "I was only kidding. It's not like I rushed over with condoms in my pocket..."

*  *  *

"Jai! Don't you dare!" I screamed running away from him.

"Aw, come on Skye! It's just paint!" He said coming closer with his paint filled brush.

"NO! Jai!" I squealed before I tripped over my untied lace and fell onto a stool which had the half empty/half full bucket of paint. I got up with my mouth hanging open in shock. I looked at my dad's old shirt now bright yellow.

I turned to a laughing Jai, still shocked. 

"Yellow looks great on you Skye. It really emphasises your blue eyes," he laughed even more.

"Really?" I gasped sweetly, "You're so sweet - how 'bout a nice big hug from yours truly?"

His laughter faded, "No thanks. I'm fine."

"Oh, come one Jai - Its only paint!" I expressed mimicking him. "You can be La-La too!" I smirked referring to his dog and one of the Teletubbies.

"No, Skye don't!" he warned. I jumped onto him, making him fall into the newspaper filled ground with me on top. It wasn't long until the yellow paint seeped through his light shirt causing me to grin at him.

He smiled at me as he brushed blue across my face, "Now we're even."

"No," I declared before marking his hair with red, "Now we're even."

We laughed gazing into each other's eyes.

"Hey, Skye?"


"Wanna make purple?" he questioned.


He started to kiss me and I happily responded.

After we pulled away he looked into my eyes and said, "Be mine?"

"I've always been yours," I smiled as I gently collapsed on him as he wrapped his arms around me as if it was the most natural thing to do, well, it felt like it was.

I closed my eyes and listened to the steady beat of his heart; I want to savour every bit of this moment.

"I love you, Jai," I whispered.

It was amazing how my words made his heart beat faster.

"I love you too Skylar," he softly kissed the top of my head.


My cousin just had her baby girl today- 1 day after Harry's Birthday!

oh and HAPPY 19TH BIRTHDAY HAZZA! (for yesterday)

(2016 editing: 'you were red, and you liked me 'cause I was blue and you touched me and suddenly I was a lilac sky' - any Halsey fans?)

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