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Hey Fellow Janoskianators!


Mum and Dad were ready, so we walked nextdoor. I was nervous for some reason. My heartbeat started racing as my Dad knocked on the door. Footsteps were heard and the door opened...

Skylar's POV

"GINA!" mum and dad all exclaimed.

"ANDREW! MIA!" Gina said beaming as she hugged my parents. After the hug she looked at me and gasped. "Skylar?! You've grown" she smiled looking at me from head to toe.

I'd hope so; although, certain areas (boobs) are lacking.

I smiled, "Hello Gina. How are you?"

"I'm fine, Skylar. And how are you?"

"Great," I smiled. "Oh, this is for you and the boys of course"

I handed her a bag of wine, chocolates, flowers.

"Aw. Thank you, Skylar."

We all stood there smiling for a moment.

"Oh, come in! I almost forgot why you were here!" Gina laughed inviting us in. 

We laughed as we went inside. Gina seems wonderful.

"BEAU! LUKEY! JAI!" Gina called. I bit my lip hard to stop me from laughing at Gina's pet name for Luke could distantly hear Luke moaning about the name Lukey. 

Beau came down first looking not too casual and not too formal. He greeted my parents then high-fived me. I think he forgets now and then that I'm not a kid any more.

Luke came down smiling uncomfortably, probably still mad about Gina referring to him Lukey. He also greeted my parents and fist pounded me; what is going on?

Eventually Jai made his appearance.


No fair. He even had his cute smile on.

After he greeted my parents, he looked at me. His cheeks went red and he went all weird. He didn't hug me; he normally greets me with a hug but he just stood there smiling. I smiled back confused.

My parents went to the living room with Gina to "socialize". So we went upstairs to Luke and Jai's room to "socialize".

Beau closed the door. Luke offered me a seat on Jai's bed (bottom half of the bunk bed). I sat next to Luke. Beau sat on a chair, Jai just leaned against the wall looking so damn hot.

"Guys lets do a twitcam!" Luke said.

"Yeah. Okay." Beau said. Luke got his laptop and did his thing.

"What's a twitcam?" I asked. They all looked at me appalled. 

"Oh right she doesn't have Twitter" Luke said. "Let's make her one then," Jai said. "Mmmk," I shrugged.

"So your username is @SkylarEd."  Luke grinned, proud of his originality.

"Oh, do her bio next." Jai grinned. 

"And her profile picture!" Beau added. 

Luke did some typing, not showing any of us his work.

"And, done!" he announced as he turned the laptop around.

I looked at his final draft.

The profile picture was of me and Jai at a lunch table grinning at each other.

"When did you take that?!" I gasped.

I squinted in an attempt to read the bio: I'm Skylar Edwards| 17| Currently Jai Brooks' Girlfriend|But secretly, I LOVE LUKE BROOKS!

"WAIT WHAT?!" I shouted reading it over and over again.

"Currently Jai Brooks' girlfriend?! LUKE!" I yelled.

"I love how you're shocked about that but not the last bit," Luke mumbled under his breath.

"Well, you are going out! Might as well go public!" Beau said.

My eyes widened as I choked, "We're not going out! Tell them Jai!" 

I looked at Jai waiting for him to start protesting too.

He just looked at the floor blushing - WHAT IS UP WITH HIM TODAY?!

"JAI?!" I yelled in frustration.

"Fine then just pretend you're his girlfriend for.. 1 month! JUST A MONTH! Come on! You know you love him!" Beau said.

"NO! And sure I like Jai but I don't love love him!"

"How about if we make it more interesting?" Beau said, I was about to protest again, like Jimmy, but decided not to.

"Keep talking."

"If you two fake go out for a month and you two still haven't fallen in love with each other then I will never ever make fun of you two ever again!" Beau said. Jai and I both looked at each other.

We blushed as we smiled at each other then gave our attention back to Beau. "Deal!"

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