"Who wrote this?"

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  • Dedicated to My readers <3

Before reading this chapter: I wanted to remind you (with the help of my beautiful assistant, Harry) that any type of bullying is beyond wrong and nothing justifies bullying. So if you know anyone who bullies, then please help them see light and make them aware of how heavily it impacts the victim; and if you get bullied, please hang in there, friend, and please, please, please, talk to someone - if you feel that someone isn't there in your life, I'm always here if you need to talk, I'm sure everyone reading would happily listen to you about your concerns also (RIGHT, GUYS?)



We slowly kissed, after we pulled away he looked into my eyes and said, "Be mine?"

"I've always been yours," I smiled as I gently collasped on him as he wrapped his arms around me.

I listened to the steady beat of his heart.

"I love you Jai," I whispered.

It was amazing how my words made his heart beat faster.

"I love you too Skylar," he softly kissed the top of my head.

Skylar's POV

Mondays are strangely not my worst day of the week, no, that would be either Tuesday or Thursday because I have to carry one too many books and P.E is definitely not my cup of tea - that would be Lunch.

I woke up - well, tried to - but my eyes wouldn't flipping open. What the actual fuck? It was like someone glued it together! I had to use my hands to literally rip open my eyes.  It did not sound, nor feel, so pretty.

I got up, off the bed and my back suddenly cracked. I couldn't frigging stand up straight and when I attempted to, it felt like my back was going to snap in half. What on earth was going on? It must've been that stupid old steel bed I was sleeping in because the paint in my room was still drying from yesterday and I didn't want to get high from the smell; it wouldn't be the first time that has happened.

The stench of paint could be smelt from the hallway, it got more stronger when I entered the room. I started to make my way to my closet when I stubbed my toes on the leg of a chair that was situated in the middle of the room for absolutely no good reason.

"OW!"I groaned in agony and pain. "Shit, shit, shit, shit, SHIT! Ugh.."

"Skylar! Breakfast's ready!" Dad shouted from downstairs.

"I'M TRYING TO CHANGE WITH MY STUPID BROKEN TOES!" I yelled back as I pulled my jumper down my head while trying to balance on one leg.

I did a side ways glance from the mirror as I was walking towards the stairs; I stopped in my tacks and reversed to do a double take of my reflection. My eyes widened in horror as I looked at the state of my hair. It looked like a cave woman's hair after wrestling dinosaurs but worse (because they totally wrestled dinosaurs back then). I quickly grabbed my brush trying to take out the knots but nothing worked, I pulled the brush really hard.

I screamed in pain when I saw a clump of my hair on my brush. I'm too young to go bald - let's not talk about the grey hairs I've been finding.

"SKYLAR!" Dad shouted again.

"I'm going to [fucking] come down whenever [the fuck] I want, Dad!" I snapped, my brush was now  a tangled knot of hair. The constant knock on the door was driving me mad.

"Skylar, could you get that?" dad shouted just to irritate me more. I stomped down and opened the bloody door.

"WHAT THE FUCK YOU FUCKING WANT?! CAN'T YOU SEE I'M FUCKING BUSY MATE?!" I slammed the door before seeing Jai's shocked face. 

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